Show lt LOCAL MATTERS lf e STATES r we ire lad bad llie lie pleas jaire jK ire lo 10 meet it ii majr maj 1 I jr r il hii Gorli niski bolted statta states deputy Nurvey or who jointly with wilh col oco goo I 1 V bf Boutel ho have completed lioma me very hard and important surveys surriya within till tile land grant limits to lo ilia central Ilici fic railroad under ilia authority of con C C clement surveyor general of this territory the country embraced in this suncy extends from the ahe boundary or 0 llie ilia oll old survera bunc west beyond kelton for thirty miles milci distant and binl and south or of alic line or of lie central pacific railroad towards the I 1 1 idaho line and great salt lake laic by this surrey much of the public domain will 41 soon iy ay the united st stales 1109 to lie P railroad company am who bre are entitled to alt all ilia at al vernale iho miles limits limiti on fin each side or of tile road we I 1 congratulate will lolli gentlemen on tile success tiia cn achieved it in finch cold anil and lonic tor glay an nal 1 in the depth of such a hard winter the whole eppedi llon lion of I 1 11 I 1 men anil and col Bou boutelle talle left S salt tit lalo lake city about ilia lie end of november last kist fur corinno corinne v n here at al once the examina lioni were maile fur the search orthe of tho boundary monuments and new sur I 1 toys leys commence about aboul 21 miles further father vrest it duri during ng the ilia whole of ifton this campaign lie party acre constantly to a til all ilia storms of if tile the season sawn and took fia no rest for holidays and ann tile the whole ani baily ly with their antiles said outfits arrived here safely on nn wed malsy last 0 allo X is CITY we via ilch pr Dr granderson Anderson yesterday to ascertain the status of this contagion in our city cily one of the young ladies in tile lie ward died Sev several isral daba da a ago lul but the other oilier mr An anderaon derion thinks will we learn front from ilia doe doc or nr that it is the most type or of tho the disease lis cac being that e known as ilia hack black pox pol it was brought into the city ly by a nian man front from Ault aminian rican york ioa who died from ilia attack at like liest licit house houle at tile lie month of emigration Linis ration can canon on dr anderson thinks it very probable pro lalle that the diase will forcad anil becom inci le idi in connection with a 2 number of I 1 physicians with whom we iino hava con ver od that the people attend ford 10 vaccination ain atlon vilere there bistany probability that it il is n required we deem it our duty duly to r state in in this connection that the entire enire medical acuity of this thin city as far as a we have conversed with them recommend vaccination pr dr aanderson and many others advertise pure vaccine virus I 1 1 tl I 1 alls VAD ElT 11 th ahe a aei clot S some of ita local loca lapace to the bad element and finales some remarks which are tory tery proper inich auch na as officers seeing iveing that the law is if strictly enforced anti anil that bat judges should not turn urn loot loose upon lie community and na to lo ftp asp the foundations foundation i of and good ober this is ia am ami imily wi wie nice e nod and we tale it as a for jeter clinical Clin lon his bc ng the only tribunal that has alion guilty of cf this course conne in salt I alc the nan man blegan 6 u no moro more fit to 0 o let loose iowa upon ilia community than a least or of prey and yet ret justice clinton chalon amye go if you some disreputable person parson who is ia willing to lo for aw tsal wt we are sorrit torry bat we cannot agree with willi the acers A anra all the way through and ami so BO give giro our united effort against tho the elii uch such a statement as the lie following fal lowing is n oft 00 untruthful and unfair to accept tho the tune lung was iru and nl not very tory long past when man woman or child could wilk at ny conr f alio day or luecht without fear of molo lation tut but this to lie DO longer the abo rate cu that wag never into of this rity city there never wa a 1 tit awo iu salt like late the ilia apos falc woman or child was bace walling ltd its streets street 0 o osy hour of the dal dai tor or ight tit gitl the X A or ars not being one or those who vilio were in danger formerly fini erly perhaps fails to realize alize the situation fully fally for our own part wo we feel it great de deal it sire safo among tho ilia WO SOO destitute of any vique macans oriu apo ra flis tibe stirs speaks or of than llian among tho ilia peaceful alil fa batio who 11 ave given the city its fur ar reputation we would rather part kith with our or little money than aur conr lifo lif 0 tiny any time Of it ila a all in tile circumstances ir if a man without money linoell like one down vi alio lie has haa it anil and rubs roll him that lit a high crime if on ilia other hand an apostate iq n lonc joc for lii lie itai only til and the rp illing of the blood wag wa good fur for llie ilia boul that is u the way it il looks jools from one standpoint we pay my nothing about nho oe CUP cupich ad it A FEW WORDS tile maung maling regular trips to most if not all of tile lie mining camps we frequently see and elk ex ci paled in the llie brought from froia cheyenne I 1 N r P anil and others are ing coal the legislature convenes again today judge stricklands Strick cUi lands anil court iq ii again in operation ai U provo see report of proceedings ce T i I 1 t 16 w mh iff Hr briw 1 IW W ra 1111 urit and wife ar rived in tho the city yesterday morning from san frncisco wo wit welcome them in their now new and happy relations to our city again the trade will it now r balor also r if lie buim witness in tile lie caw case who ift ali city some ten en days ago returned morang to go before ilia iho grand jury lie ire lini haq leon been wo we to elko nevada tar iland jury cicela again daiy diy al t 10 a lit determined to 0 form a quoit runt nini anil and proceed with business bui iness thu this up to ali acl rent gentlemen lemen bay or no liay hay IJ OUD D LORD tvr Us tins tha chaplain of ilia utah legislature Legli laUire in a model prayer within tile the bl few days wound up liia appeal to the throne of grace ty by praying that the ha sainta ani might la be delivered from knitel states slates la view of all ilia circumstances attending ilia alio pre ent crisis in dutli affairs we think tile chaplain Clia plain was about right bad laiq i H evinced A keen appreciation ftp of present difficulties forit for it is true if they want delivering from willing now it is from the handi of the federal authorities this thil is il exactly what ilia matter anil and in addition al lilion to tho ilia lorda ii help belp chidi they dont think is il enough they are arc i ing heap of in other oilier peo lit at houle and abroad aLro ai bliss our ur ou old and riar par frieml 11 II bliss of city haa cast olt off the cares and loneliness or of lacht and balea unto a partner for the journey of life we hope that thai ilio ilia chango change will vill produce fur for our friends all the happiness liap iines sudi a worthy couple are arc deserving dew irving of anti anil that thai blua and alig will bo be a result of the union TUB till WEA TIlLit it is ii generally agreed that utah ah is u being blessed this winter with the climate of alic to pacifica rici fic coast ill mingling tit of oregon anil and california weather ilis is i what we have bare generally were it not fur tho coall t and sierra N braida mountains which iraln cli pren lack back cheum the mila Is annl douel from the pacific but bal when tho the climatic agencies i resell reach the ai they have this th u wagon those mighty lamera barriers ap pear icar to bo be to 10 male make a darivin 9 line well wo we chall not object to the now new order if it is all to lo be like 1110 lie last aliw iliya which liu has been tho the mildest I 1 weather that wo we lave havo ever teen in utah at this samoa or of tho the year I 1 GONE COSE TO yr mr GW co f abates C halts U S district attorneys went kit ki t loft last saturday to lo procure means from congress to lo carry on tho the prosecution or of tho the murder cascci we that be will till in be it and we be liere here that he be will val il he ac continues 1 the iho matter with walli that caraett begs and diligence which characterized ilia letters and di patched to lo tile the altor toy iny general and members of congram with wilb ir bates we pay my that con kroa must appropriate the nece necessary ILIC bican I 1 or give pvc up the prosecutions R fur r ilia territory will faill do nothing exec pt to retard the work we saah ih i h mr bates baits every success 11 1 I box i aalt V N P I 1 woods thip I 1 1 awl d since ince friday last about seventeen carloads car ctr loads of last lase Li illion to Ou omalia talia on one 0 carload car load only going to chicago tim this bullion is to la be treated at the Elso ruing works I 1 tile the members member or of the ladles jalie christian tire hereby to I 1 reIr Peir cols two iwo doors west f alio church on day any i ith int in t it at 3 p m an indita int ila t lioam ion is also cordially extended to all b a lica interested in didul benedo A rail fall attendance ill 11 requested mr air P J pres prea L 0 A top the winter term of the lie salt lake laic seminary guidi opened a few days ago fair to lo be the roost most PC boiu ahll alic jim yet haj had prof stein is in every w way 2 y qualified for liia ilia high vom To cation tion one evidence or of lili big abi aulita lity showing itself in tile talent with will which he liaa hag acl him twit in the ilia character of hm big of at TOE tat 4 A lidit dawned upon ilia world willi ilia ali introduction of citurs amla years beart ago ll 11 dru lie bo purgation went out alit and ocllo vahan came in the of tho the people were bcd to tho the great ewt wt that the wy why to cure cam dibuo is to illas Q not to johnso them at ila worry lit by it do alum I 1 of tic the liuio hula abit have it became evident urt that u a means of cf in fiering vitality into tho the Ity tm regu tiding the secret ioup slad ft a dillons babil 0 of I 1 ly no modica media nil nal then known was at t all aj oom com S T to its DIB new blues then mr DI lit sign of I 1 if have been made to rival the tl blurry 3 ibay bry have hav ail failed MII laid the orand grand to io MAIM which will iru commenced in 10 is mill in pro ora nathl van caa top stop it for or it 1 Is 1 ro ansted oo on tho the prin brincil cil j 4 now universally ac knowl that difior ij s tin local fur for mia marblo of fell human imn ailments and experience halt bu shown hown linit ria U let oil I 1 a Tc erless so wel I 1 as the boat pop sibl bm irti st 4 PA into 11 cg cam jai ja gen connor returned yelte from san and reports the amago to the llo C ls I 1 in the llie Sl sierras erras from the snow alil with will thil that exception inn on tile whole line is u uninterrupted valess further injuries in jurici accrue will arrive regularly from tile the anwat |