Show WHAT SHOULD BE DONE A of church delegates I 1 L u to meet at salt lake city january nill to frame a constitution to be prevented presented to congre immediately for the admission of utah as a stam stale the constitution is 13 to lie be framed after that of the stile which has acin scot ant for to furnish tt a casework buic base worl work to build buah on we liate live before stated that no provi biOR will be I 1 aade 1 for or galal polygamy and an jibe the future leill ill ilmon the ibe truth of our assertion asser tio n we vo of the noo nod mormon class who jo do not want to tie be subjected to church dominion should also be caling active uteri steps to call a convention of delegates he bufi anem nefA it should be to frame a protest against the adais admission ion of utah at the present time this should be placed in the hands of a delegation olour of our most influential men who should go to washington to watch the entire proceedings and male make such representations to congress as will secure secure tile defeat of oft the he bill the danger is imminent delegate Il hooper looper will be prepared to make any that may be in insisted on as ai ho will trust nut to the future to remedy the evil effects of any compromise lie way may be 4 compelled to male make we my this to the friends frienda of the government rally and organize for immediate action and defeat tile the gi gigantic scheme of the church |