Show FIREMEN there Is s bu but t one query about tile the tt bai ll 11 beada headquarters aai rs n now adv where when hlll I 1 the city council committee dig dl up hones resolution respecting the establishment of a fire station in tho the fourth precinct e 0 tho throng method of sending in fire alorma alarms was never better illustrated than ahan yesterday nhen a small blaze was discovered lit in Sch meat market wheres Sch market tho telephone girl tas as acied down laan main street the horses harnessed the men in position lit in a twinkling but it was only after a very industrious search through the directory that thai the famous market was found to bi be at the corner of victoria alley anti and main street the result was a delay of 0 two or three minutes if they had merely sail bah fire at south main street ve e would it have beer on hand several minutes earlier earlla said the chief the loss to the building was probably alo 10 A prairie tire took no 2 to a spot over tho the jordan bet between wen second and third south at there was no damage done but tile tho possibilities i ere great 6 grass grew arrew luxuriantly everywhere e this year said a member of the fir tiro department last night it is 13 now drying up and grass fires will nill be numerous they are usually started by small email boys and matchus |