Show PERSONAL MENTION rosa bonheur left many unfinished pictures which was aas ono one borses runn at full gallop callop though olton offered d etow for this rho cho refused to lin inh it her heirs oro are her arother hr othor other isidor tho the sculpt sculptor nr anti and a M PC ferol rol who mho married her sister bister juliette Jul leiti A r rr cativo of gen funston in des moines la says 0 of tho the general his pla tures malo made him gi po al looking but ile ha was waa I 1 think tho the very homeliest hom homel eliest lest boy bay I 1 over ever POW aw once I 1 remember lie he was sent ant td lot aloaha to collect boWn botanical loal specimens specimen mens for the iho Govern government mert lie ho said ht he dian didn t enow what thoy they wonted wanted but no matter uha whatever tover 11 II waa vias lied hod get it james M barrio finds recreation in nursery verse which One ne rolly rally includes prune koine very clever ailts lilts at his many literary friends among whom it Is IA circulated lit tho the latest example depre I george georga Ile redIth and hla his admirers ns 09 the camou old lady and lier ber family who mho took up thor their abado lit in a dohoo tho thi illustrations axe aio said paid to he ha mr bar rims own oan and are ajo sald eald to be quite clover 0 col john hayes of tho the fourth cavalry alio Is anxious to utica take pure part in the caa airy operations in tho the philippines has worn a uniform vinca lift ho woj vas thirteen cars cara old at that thai youthful nse age ho he enlisted OR a bugler in tho the fifth cavalry hut but ut at tho the outbreak of tho the civil war lio lie enlisted as a 0 private in tho the union army at tho the cloo of the iho aar ar ho be went to th the plains thare ho be won avon consider considerable ahlo famo fame as 09 an indian lighter 1119 rise from the iho ranks aoa plow ilow hut hilt sure auro for toe aln we ln in will fuaau him a splendid soldier 0 ali ah yu a chinaman born in shanghai rho ho enlisted in tho the united states navy in IF ISM 14 and who nho kofl I formerly attached to admiral cecys De cys fie tho olyra pla Is now an ail enval inval ua from hiar n amo sort of 0 lung trouble and has h uc cordingly re clad a pension grant of sa al 11 a month aft H has the distinction of being the first chindeme peri bloner of this government william sojin tho the cottlo monr in tho the united states attends to all tho the details fit at his work nork As n little as aa poli niLle to the caro care of nite nates n ite although ho be could veil afford to r mcilro e t ire from tho the active of it hig to b i s iness if ic I 1 want to io be our sure 0 a hanff 14 well dono done I 1 just jual must d do 0 it my elf ho he ea aryit m twice a year he be him hm skip of cattle from northern anent izone into krokaa A girl who caine from saxony two 3 scars cars ago ka knew e enly hor her natla language h han it i A e lart I 1 rt honors honora in public school in now york with an avera average ge of 91 8 sho she ranked third amon all I 1 tho sra miner school mint in the e alty c city |