Show MUST ACT WITH T TACT A 0 T FORMER MINISTER TO HAITI TALKS OF SANTO DOMINGO anything looking like interference with self government on part of uncle sam sain will be resented asbury park N J july 31 john S Dur durham durmant hant former minister to haiti and ami charge dArt dAf alres faires at santo donlia domingo go pa says ys it Is a moment in the affairs of santo domingo when the united states must musi act with great tact in helping the educated leaders in their efforts to establish an orderly government anything looking like interference with self government on an the part of the united states slates holever ho how ever uever would mould be bitterly resented president Il cureaux was a imn without any school training ile he was as a cattle driver at 16 commanded ded a regiment of infantry at 20 and became general of 0 the army ten years later ile he seized the presidency by force of ills personality ills his administration was an exclusively military dictatorship ilie grave question non noi Is in whether the masses will permit a tise man with no military training to correct els ellis that have arisen under the administration or whether he trust have a state of anarchy in which t aich millions of american capital would li bi exposed to bands of marauders mar audera until another military dir dictator seizes seines control hugh kelley of now new yolk has haa sent to secretary hey hay nl at washington n a bet at of american Amerl CAn and cill zens placed lit in jeopardy the total capital of twelve american companies amounts to human rights and human life are now held very ligi lightly aly in the event of it an n uprising every material interest will sutter suffer american Amerl cari capitalists are arc envious anxious for the united states state government to move rt nt once before the german or italian net act in the matter gen heureaux believed that hla his country was ultimately to fall into the united states |