Show TRICKS IN FLOUR TRADE THROWS SO SOME ON THE TEE BUSINESS Us ia says that low prices and low weights go together some sacks Ms are not what they seem scorn relative to the low priced flour re mertty quoted in the Tri tribune bunei said bald a crober yesterday 1 I boll belleve it wll will be lound found nine times out of ton ten that low arices low weight and low grades grade s go EO together no one can sell flour for less leas than its apparent cost coat and keep up his ratin rating g with the Age agencies 1111 nair low look hero here th hacki ere la Is mi an alleged ton pound sack it weighs flis observe seven boven end three quarter pounds it Is sold for ten pounds now here are two allair cl eltty pound sacks this one weighs ft a trilla over forty beighl pounds two pounds 0 of nour flour always bo ing deducted at the mill to pay tor for tile sack no one objects to this it Is regular and all right in every wa way FET but her bw li 19 another brand a alleged le age fl nty aty p pounds nil ol 01 weigh let rn me sto seo lor f arto tour u r p pound cds ads of course the let iet lealler aller never or barei rarely Y weighs the hour flour he be b buys 11 ire lie he merely pays a certain ascertain oe fig III uie e for or it and charges his customers in proportion to v hat lie he pays neither belthe r has haa he time nor inclination to malce in ake a test of what erch each sack contains I 1 must mint admit that severe several in my fit block oc k rives gives the beholder the idea that hour flour must lie quite heavy it if 0 so o comparatively little in quantity turns the fifty pound maik what are we go to do about it tow how are arc we to establish a li uniform grades and prices I 1 do not know now I 1 sell my goods in accordance alti alth tile the prices I 1 pay tor for them I 1 can guarantee rua rantee no tl i 1 n a save bave what to Is guarante c d m me L T that 1 t I 1 do nothing more it Is a pretty sate proposition how vir evor that the buyer never gets ceta more than han he pays ford for |