Show IS A READY PASSPORT AMERICAN citizenship NOW FURN IT everywhere so spoke ex secretary day at as gathering catherine on oia the steamship clam cam p buia 11 Queens queenstown town sept 23 21 the cunard line steamer camps campania nia from new york september with the united states peace commission on board a arrived ra here about 2 this afternoon after an uneventful voyage with mith all well on board excepting senator gray who has bag been suffering from neuralgia for two days thero there was a concert on thursday on board the campania Campan la in aid of the united states charities the collection netted 1316 senator frye presided after eloquently appealing for subscriptions ho he alluded to tho the tact fact that years ago spain at the cost of and with a great tar armada mada set out gut to possess england but he added england through her sailors then won a victory which gave her prestige tor for all time continuing the senator eloquently adverted to the brilliant victory of admiral dewy dewey at manila manigat the tamo fame which that victory won for american sailors the senator said has bag gone all over the world and has lifted tho the name of the united states higher than ever before concluding his remarks senator prey frey said slay may god bless american and british tars may the angel of peace touch our hearts tonight sly MY country na of thee anil and god save the queen were mere sung sir william marriott then proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman adding after hearty cheers that britannia rules the wave should now bo be amended so that some word representing great britain and the united states stales may be tor for britannia this sentiment was roundly applauded by hla his hearers who afterwards called tor for some remarks from senator davis who began by saying the united states and the mother country had squabbled in the past pant but they were family quarrels only which u aich it well behooved bho oved all others to let strictly alone he added that by divine dispensation the last three months had brought about a better fee feeling ing between great britain and the united states than ever before and why not asked uie the senator we speak the samo same tongue we think much the same ond we read tho the same books the meaning of this Is a that of people speaking a pcs kin 1 the english tongue and standing together in thought and purpose will mill do more tor for peace than any war ever waged judge pay day was tarn then induced to speak and with dignity in word and manner he referred to the fact tha that t while british has been a ready passport everywhere american citizenship now none the less furn dishos a passport everywhere equal to any warrant of manhood the speaker added that he could not talk ca of f the mission but hoped all would be b e gratl gt ned aed to welcome welco mft the commission on its return from a consummation of a peace honorable to the united st states a tee and alike just to the other interested power Whitt law bold also spoke lie ite regretted the fact that the american commission in going abroad should not be sailing under its own flag and in a vessel built in america mr air iteld held added we have some borne suitable v vessels e they have been aad axe or quite quate busy b uly there has been no full conference of the tb peace commission though its members have consulted in pairs casually probably there will not be a full meet meeting Ilig of the until they reach ranch paris ble dy day moor and mcarthur have been en in preparing a record of the details of the american case |