Show THE DAY DAT AT GARFIELD six thousand baa and a 9 tip lieff Pro gramme Tec ref was waa it a cala fiali day at gatfield beach and ft t reminded ono one strongly or 0 tile the fourth ot of july in 1880 1890 for or the f awa was aa immense and ajia all day I 1 lone 9 tle the dancing pit pavilion villon the bowery oft the he lr bar anil surrounding grounds brounda were thron thronged ged happy jostling r math s inasa of oc arzon women and achl children 1 dren everybody went in the water and about I 1 P tn in the ih supply ot of bathing suits was wh hort c 4 but till were vet some if urne in d ihrl alio it d day ac A tt of those W louia 0 uld place tl ko uia the number at md ind it was evident on till all sides that one lial na P aill 11 passed a memorable holiday at no non a tho lowery was 1 and I 1 the different stands did a ru hing bust bual itai while a number enjoyed rl regu ui lu C ourse dinner lili iner a lit la car cartelia the big T caurant the Taber tabernacle nazle choir wm was there in a lay body find and during the tha afternoon atter noon the iho I 1 members gathered in the taft Pa pavilion villon arid and ardt the of 0 days ayna gene aba chorus chirug vales vale ot TIC dc 9 fr W tar for jy which ach they were loudly lou ay SPI hauled ATHLETIC lc SPORTS about the same time a bit big crowd ci was w an on the dhave it L cot bull gamia bamo r waa val in between the to salt lak stift and the tha salt lake junior eleven i the h eving tving played under ayrc la J tion lion ruice NO KO points were biado ado on sm ah the be gamo game belac declared 0 d draw WI walh the score 0 to 01 0 the or 0 baseball w ni n i sam levys famous an 1 nine and the tha 0 N T nine 0 the 1 bring 9 umpired by gua u engler th the 0 N T buys bay won ivan with a 06 genre acore of 0 9 to 5 and some gome of the PLAYS were ere excellent oncel cel lent darkness came on too poon however and at the end ot of the fifth a the he game was waa ended with the score aa att above C following the h r gramc ame there was a rush for 11 the ill ft noor v her afre olson was wag giving alie h most entrancing dance mu music the night 1 I h I 1 had become doiy darit when filpi aln 0 was wait a cry of 0 firework sr ara and back bach to the shore chore the crowd and tor for halt hall on an hour enjoyed a right night of sky ky roel cots candles and the lute white the whole of 0 tho the mountain sides bides wore were brilliantly lit it up 1113 ty by flames of 0 rel red white and blue bi u e tire off was again in order and it was baa long after midnight nhen hen the last tal train n left the beach NOTES there was no trouble of 0 any kind nor were there any accidents during the day A game of 0 ball i III shortly be played at t garfield Gartl eld between the famous and Lead leadville villo nims the fut full i game cao e of baseball could have been ed if the players had ha 1 not ww quat re led amons among themselves for a halt half hour previous to martinic two or three of the afternoon after trains ran in two sec sections tiong the 30 p m train front from the beach was waa delayed at the switch itch halt way in and did not arrive until 1150 A little storm broke just at 6 p m mi but tho the einset a little later was perfect and the 0 of the ali aholo scene as an viewed from tho the hill was corge corneous ous beyond oily any description superintendent washburn of the hotel botel department was waa at the resort kit all clay clar looking after the hie business D S S spencer pen was there too in the interest 0 of f the pasc nei |