Show FORTY FOUR AGO I 1 hadley johnsons Joh arati oration on nearly half a century old the Working mens democratic club spent the fourth very pleasantly at eden park A delightful barbecued dinner was vaa served and the amusements amu sementa consisted con bisted 0 of foot races bicycle races jumping contests dancing etc lion hon J R letchor read tho the declaration of independence and this was followed by an oration by hadley D johnson Joh jison we mr johnsona johnson 0 a ticia ono one that he delivered forty fo four f our years ag aeo and wal wa listened to standing then at the now the esth anniversary his he reviewed the contest con for american independence and d drew re w from comparative history the true I 1 ealon or of the struggle eglo in ili the lust just fead ad and the personnel of 0 the ibo cicat men who signed it he be fe mt it a continuing palde in common with alt all americans americana who va luethe hc great boon of governmental Govern menta freedom the aptaker traced tho the progress proe of settlement aud and also development it of oc the then unknown region now tho the united states stater and drew w n hencly worded picture of tho the pioneer s settlers sett eLt lera lers who arst reclaimed the land from neild ald nature and wild men and built a home jn in th h vast wilderness lit in looking over tho the age oc progress pro eress which might be paid to cover our whole existence us aa a nation he saw much to ace ilott at lit in tho the material as well au the world work of mind the eaith oai th in its fullness ne r S has ii is been possessed and all nature 1 la adrig modo made to contribute to the comfort of men while in the domain ot of goern mont and the evolution of lawr the most mort wholesome anil and wise no I 1 coun oun try has ever surpassed sui passed ours |