Show celebrates CELEBRATE 73 BY BT TH THE E A fine Pro gramme carried Out Games and sports thi the celebration at calders park was under the auspices of 0 the federated trades anil and building trades Con congress Cone grecs reEs tho the day came forth like an opening bud bad a coot cool breeze swept over the bou boa om am of 0 tho the lake and by 10 oclo cit over a thousand thou danil per person sonN to whom were added hundreds eds more as the hours coreau woreau wore ou poured through ta SALO gateways ways the Pro gramme which had been ar r liged by ft committee consisting 0 ot I 1 aleasha stev tyne J L franka a and a d 11 II C Cus bing waa adapted to the occasion in it was represented and youth age acs aiono th the lest lees enthusiastic because of stiffened joints youth nono none t th he loss less patriotic because fo it had just juat been taught the story of tho the day the pro gramme began with song by the harmony glee club the iho melody of america front from ton ten vokes voices the declaration of independence was then impressively read by F r SL 31 perry ferry who followed by the glee gle dub club J L L franks delivered the address which dealt largely with the strike that Is now iu in progress pros ress between the railroads and the american railway union the cauller that had precipitated it and the principles upon in aich it was be being 1 ng waged tho the address was frequently interrupted anith w ath denion stra floss of approval which indicated plat plainly illy tile tho of sentiment a mong among tho the vast multitude who listened tho the day having been ushered in with those these patriotic discourses the athletic features were begun and continued until noon non when baskets were spread and the he wants of the inner man provided for I 1 THE SPORTS tho the following events were carried out as announced on oil the pro gramme cricket match salt lakes hakea SO 90 aberdeen 36 football salt lakes 2 picked teana team 0 pi ft tze 10 boat race rand P and P colder tie tic divided 57 47 50 0 bicycle race five mile novice worl won by charles charl blythe gold cold medal baseball progress 30 sant sam levys famous C G root foot race yards won by J davies ladles race seventy five yards won by ans miranda rree daila parasol sack raci race poverty avo alve yards won by joe sampson JL 53 three legge legged race na Rasmus amussen Ben and darmond winners 35 foot race old men anve yards K E smith winner 13 33 hundred yard dash for boya boyajohn joan simpson winner ninner hundred yard dash free for all 1 charles cooper winner IS there was but one contestant cont for a pig pie which in a of ty Y was wao over ahe the large pool and joo joe simps 0 11 the well known newsboy having after a i third trial walked tile the greasy pole which led to it deported departed with his squealing prize in all tho the day amid the hospitalities of the federated trades waa a most pleasant one there va mas not a discoid during tho the progress of the exercises and everyone reaped K a harvest of eni jo coment ment the r led trades ra s mid building alding tr acca congress boat race was won by the Congro sWo team the prize waltz NN waa 39 in by a 2 larre large number and at its conclusion 00 n cl the first prize v hand balut painted d tan ran was awarded miss 11 21 bryson the second friye a pair of bf handsome slip cerp ift a mt wilson the th first prize for gentlemen was awarded l mr F J showell and consisted of a 0 hat hati the h derond prize a sarf sc arf ta air tr Willi sms KhoUn sC C n 13 pentz inner score wilt out of it a possible |