Show Protection for Bees Necessary Exercising to Generate Heat Does Not Imps ove Wings of V s E Every ery time a bee flaps Its wings In s It ItIs itIs ItIs Is just one more flap nearer bee hen heas- heaven en CD for bee bce bees cannot replace or r worn out tissues like other animals B BA UA A Slocum of the yew cw York lork State Col- Col College College Col College lege of Agriculture explained recently Inter 1 protection Is necessary for bees because Q the only way say ay trey they can o warm Is s to form a n cluster In ID the hl hue e and the bees on the inside of the cluster flip flap their wings sings just a as peo pie pIc would wave sale their arms to gener gener- generate generate ener- ener j ate heat hent hen W lien hen the temperature falls lalla below 57 degrees licit heat must be JenI genI gen Jen I crated he says a s sI sHeat I Heat Wears Out Bees The bees In the cluster lit fIt so tightly I that those on the outside act 11 us an anI I Insulator the hairs on their bodies In fn in I Ine and Incorporate tiny air par par- particles particles which Increase their InsulatIng I value alue the I 1 he genera generator ton of heat sears ears out the bee bees so that they soon become I old and If It an nn excessive e- e amount of oC oCI I heat Is needed the colony may die be- be before before be before fore spring At least the bees will bo be old and die more rapidly than they are replaced with young bee bees making n a condition which beekeepers have hato called spring dwindling d It Is dUn cult to get such colonies In shape strong enough for the honey hone flow now Packing Packing Boxes Useful The remedy Mr Ir Slocum Is to protect the hl lilves es with packIng cases and to provide Many types t pes of packing cases and sa sarious various a arlous rious Insulating materials are I factory Detailed Instructions how bow toI to I pack bees hees Is glen given In the free tree larm l I ers Bulletin 1012 at nt the theoffice theoffice theoffice office of publications at the ew fork lork State College of Agriculture |