Show IA KAYSVILLE Mr and Mrs Irs Glen Robins announce the e the arrival of a son at their home horn morning of last week Elder Samuel G Raymond cd arrive d home Wednesday morning from t the he Canadian mission where he had en bc-en be bee n doing missionary work for the past pas pasto pa t two to years ears Elder EIder Erwin En m Sheffield son of Mr lr Mand and Mrs H J Sh Sheffield Jr leaves leave I I next Thursday for a to mission to the th e southern states Mr and Mrs Parley Kilburn of o f I Logan visited with Mr Ir and Mrs Arnold M I Barnes Wednesday A reunion of the Flint family was held an the West Kaysville haysville meeting meetinghouse meetinghouse house Monday evening A largo large number of relative and friends ere present andI i Mr lr and Mrs Irs George E Barton and I famIly of Provo were ere Thanksgiving da day guests of Mrs 1 Emily S Barnes Robert Green has nas been ill III for sev several eral oral days suffering from an attack of rheumatism Donal Thomas of Kaysville and Miss l Katherine Thurgood daughter of Mr Ir and Mrs l S George Thurgood of Bount Bountiful ul were married on Thanks Thanksgiving Thanksgiving giving day at noon The ceremony was as performed by John G M Barnes at the Barnes Bames residence in m the pres pres- presence presence presence ence of a few fe relatives and friends s Mr and Mrs Truman Curtis of Logan visited with Ith Mr and Mrs Irs George W Underwood Thursday At a u meeting of the Associated Industries held heId at the Alta AHa club m in Salt Lake LaJe Wednesday John G M Barno Barna of Kaysville Ka was re elected president |