Show I CHARlES AlMA BERRY EARLY DAY RESIDENT Of DIES Charles Chlrles Alma AIma Berry Berr a resident of Centerville about 1850 to 1866 and anda a n pioneer of 1849 1840 a devout church member died at his home in Springville Saturday fol- fol following fol following lowing a short illness Inness He had lived at vIlle Springville since 1866 When eighteen years of age Mi 11 Berry was called caned to go back after emIgrants He left in m April and did not get beck back until October WhIle waiting for the tho word t to start stert he h bound grain gram in the th wheat fields to earn money to return home on onlIe He lIe served as president of the Y YlI YM l I M Iii I A eight years ears being neIther absent nor tardy t during all an that time assistant to the superintendent of the school ands and as s first counselor to Bishop John Tuckett of first ward ard wardin wardin m in Springville He is u survived sUr by his wife Elea Eleanova nova Warner Wamer Berry whom he married Feb reo 5 1872 and one son and five fhe daughters Funeral services were ere held m in Springville Wednesday where here ment toot took place |