Show hr P PERSONAL ER MENTION 10 0 0 M M johnson of the newhouse staff was in emery county last week on business colonel E G odonnell manager of the entonia Eu tonia recently visited this promising property 1 ralph guthrie the well known broker aal and stock dealer has returned from a vir visit it to denver deaver r george of silver city utah uta h was visiting salt lake friends and acquaintances I 1 recently r dr E D woodruff has returned from where he has been looking after mining interests R P hills secretary of the four metals company left for england recently on a two months sojourn arthur hendy of jerome arizona has been in utah inspecting mining properties for down east investors E F W griffiths left last week for tono pah nevada for the purpose of making an examination of mining property john brooks is now superintendent of lithe the sheba mine near mill city nevada in place of james cescel resigned Z I 1 W J dooly manager of the johnny mine and mill at stateline Stat eline has decided to imade make salt lake his permanent homie home S W mosby manager for the sheldon mining company operating the chicago k mine at bingham was in the city recently F H lathrap has returned from nevada fda and california where he has been investigating Ji ti into the merits of mining proper ties aes i j john C stillwell the alta postmaster and mining man who was in zion a few days ago reports growing activity in this erstwhile great camp W A cooke of the Bing bingham hanx copper boy company visited the mine of the company a few days ago and is much pleased with its fine physical condition C T harte editor and proprietor of that excellent paper the milford times spent a few days in zion last week shaking hands with his numerous friends here hon A 0 cleveland of cleveland nevada vada the stalwart and prominent stockman agriculturist and mining operator of that al section was in the city recently on bustness business G D B TZ turner irner manager of the J I 1 C mine park city is on his way to scotland in in the interest of his company during his absence C T mixer of the creole mine will nill look after the J I 1 C robert hartley of this city OP operating 6 aerating the monarch mine in spruce mountain district nevada has been visiting hi his s family of late mr hartley Is making ore consign ments to salt lake smelters shelters sm elters col W 13 mcsherry manager of the property of the pittsburg utah atah company in dry canyon near ophir who recently spent considerable time in zion returned to the mine a few days ago manager henry M crowther of the blue acre has returned from thelast the east being accompanied compa compain nied led by G C van alstyne a director who has been making an examination of the companas comp anys beaver county property frank jardine superintendent of the martha washington district returned home last week after a few days stay in salt lake mr jardine is a spanish war veteran and came in to see teddy and the rough riders joe covert an old time beaver county miner of milford is now operating in the big cottonwood canyon near this city he has opened a vein in his third tunnel that shows values of 23 per cent copper with gold and silver as products byproducts by mr paul delvaux of brussels belgium is in this city looking after the interests of the belgium american oil syndicate he is also examining the geology of the oil regions for the purpose of guiding the company in its future operations harry bintz of this city a son of W H bintz the popular commission merchant having passed into the senior year of the high school will spend his vacation at the beaver con mine in beaver county where he will study mining this summer in company with his chum corydon W higgins charlie lammersdorf Lam the veteran of gold mountain district piute diute county has returned from his european visit being accompanied compa nied on the trip by his estimable wife charlie is a noted character in the west and his sterling qualities and amiability have made him many friends throughout this intermountain region will and james kelly of ophir returned home the first of last week after a sojourn in zion of several days during his stay here will tied up the dewey ground above the dark clark mine ophir and will soon begin its active development james kelly we regret to say has been laid up of late with a severe attack of rheumatism J F gibbs owner of the marysvale Marys vale Ore Ire eLance and manager of the gold fissure mining company operating in deer creek on the sevier river and joining the B W 11 bonanza was in the city recently conferring with the other officials of his company mr gibbs will begin work at once in the systematic development of his property david kennedy erstwhile of salt lake but now in his old eastern home was in salt like lake the first of the month on his way toward the rising sun fromi faolu a visit to the lincoln mine in pearl district idaho mr kennedy was much pleased with the condition of the lincoln which is now milling ore regularly and sending out bars of gold in quantity sufficient to justify regular dividend payments at an early date mr air ken gedys many zion friends were more than pleased to see him once again as he stands high in salt lakes mining and financial circles J E beveridge of salt lake prominent in mining and milling circles and now manager of the mine and smelter of the utah eastern copper mining company operating below st george utah was in the city last week on business mr beveridge states that the property of the company is in most satisfactory physical condition and that the new smelting smelling sm elting works are turning out six tons of 90 per cent copper daily marked improvement has been noted in the operation of this mine since mr beveridge was installed as manager |