Show f on the of the stockton mine the level of the stockton mine is a revelation it is the turning point in the history of this fine property it marks the 1 transition period the stage in development work when the prospect passes into the ranks of producing f mines in former issues the mining review has informed its readers as to conditions and progress of exploratory work on the two three and four hundred levels in this stockton property which is located a mile up soldier bridge canyon from terminus on the oregon short line railroad since gince our last description of this property the shaft has been sunk from the to the foot level and drifts and cross cuts tor for several hundred feet have been run on ion this level for the nanza had not been in the least exaggerated the inspection underground was made in company with superintendent alex maze one of the most competent and able mining man to be found in the various camps of the been raised on for a distance of forty feet this is the same shoot that starts on the as a blind fissure and which is also extensively ten developed on the and on oa the it is larger and stronger and carries higher values this g xa vm 4 1 PS P S 4 A TW sa s1 2 aai feal r wi S A aate 7 ma X A i v t fly F N W fc sc 1 y A v 41 A z a fa 74 ofte s JOW SoBe vu 0 t lra ii S 4 cl ak A i stockton mine end and a e nd works from the west purpose of ascertaining the continuity of the splendid ore measures uncovered in the upper w workings or kings A representative of this paper learning that the showing on the was much better than anticipated by the management visited this property a few days ago and found that statements as to the physical condition of 0 this bo state on the level of the double compart ment shaft the first ore body to the west was found about forty feet from the station this shoot ot of mineral is ten feet fedt in width and is composed of a lead carbonate and block galena it has been followed on its strike for a distance of sixty feet and has 15 immen immense se body is all a good grade of milling ingbre ore and it is interspersed persed with goodly quantities of firsa class shi shipping aping ore A Il lii indred Lindred feet further west on the another shoot of ore eight feet in width on an average has been uncovered carrying lead carbonates and galena the average values ue of which will run about 18 per cent lead 15 ounces silver an and d 1 in gold to the ton this ore body is also classed as a bl blind ind fissure and has been fully deve developed lopea on tho the and foot levels and the strike and dip of the vein demonstrates that it is an extension of one of the honorine north and south veins the value and importance of the two ore bodies ment mentioned ionea can be readily seen when it is stated that they were encountered in purely virgin ground and that their existence was when woric wor was first begun in the development of this property on the to the east a drift has been run to cut the mother lode of this portion of the camp the great catherine vein this drift or rather crosscut cross cut has been driven a distance of feet where connection was made with this mammoth fissure which has a north and south strike and which has been extensively developed in the upper levels and from which heavy shipments of high grade ores have been made in the past leaving in these various workings an almost tonnage of good milling ore south of the connection of the crosscut cross cut with the main catherine fissure an ore shoot has been uncovered that is twenty feet wide in places but which will average twelve feet in width and which has been drifted upon for eighty feet this ore body was found at the intersect one deposit at this rate of extraction two hundred feet further south on the catherine and at the intersection of another north and south fissure another big ore body has been uncovered and explored giving to the mine another source of extensive and profitable production as this shoot is exposed in the upper workings and its extent and value fully determined retracing our steps an inspection was made of the workings north of the crosscut connecting with the shaft here another marvelous ore body was revealed at a point feet from the crosscut cross cut this mass of mineral is seven feet wide between walls and has been drifted upon for a distance of feet the ore makes at the intersection of an east and west lime and the vein shows every evidence of continuity and increasing values and strength 4 ai W jt y 0 Z X if f Z ar rl jg I 1 N P 17 21 stockton mine aad works from the north tion of the catherine vein with one of the east and west blue lime intersections so numerous in the workings of the mine in character the ore is a lead carbonate in which occur heavy deposits of high grade galena two carloads of which consigned to the salt lake smelters shelters sm elters not long ago assayed 28 per cent lead 27 ounces silver and 1 in gold in this treasure vault the mining review I 1 representative questioned superintendent maze as follows how much ore could you take fro from in this shoot a day A with two machine drills in two shifts was the answer 1 I could easily break down and hoist tons and as this ore body goes to the surface a distance of feet on the dip of the vein which has a sixty five 0 degree gree pitch to the west it would take several years to fo exhaust qadir st this with greater depth this great body which is interspersed here and there with a lime horse is all good milling ore in which are to be found large pockets of exceptionally fine shipping material all of the ores of the mine carry from 7 to 17 per cent iron the mineral in the veins separates readily from its matrix and is easily handled by concentration when asked as to how much ore the mine at its present stage of development could output daily superintendent maze estimated that at least tons could be moved every twenty four hours and this without any difficulty and for an indefinite period mr maze is now working a force of seventeen men and another shift of eight men will be added at once if not actively at work by the time this issue of the mining review goes to press at af the present time strenuous efforts are being made in the deepening of the shaft from the foot station down to water level two macia drills are b eing being utilized in the per performance formali of this work and fifteen holes are fired at one blast which is made possible fromi from we the size of the shaft which is double compart ment with manway when water level is 1 reached cross cuts will be run to the known ore bodies of the mine which at this level will undoubtedly prove larger stronger and of even higher values than shown in the workings above when this work is accomplished complis hed it is reasonable to predict that the stockton will take rank as one of the great mines of the state or of the west for that matter the mine has been careful carefully lk examined and reported upon of late by a competent mining engineer in his report he estimates that in the mine workings all of tons of ore is in sight ready for extraction for the mill or market and that this ore will carry average values of 17 to to the t ton on in silver and lead L exhaustive tests on the ore by concentration have been made by J M callow the expert metallurgist and millman his deductions being that the product of the mine will yield readily to this treatment with a high extraction or of metallic values and at a net profit to the company after the payment of mining milling transportation por tation and smelting smelling sm elting charges of 10 a ton As a result of these examinations these tests and experiments the company feels that it can safely say that within the next three or four months the regular extraction thorl and marketing of ore fro from nithe the stockton mine will begin thus marking the period when extensive and successful development has transformed this prospect into a heavy producer and paying proposition |