Show NEVADA ely news recent work upon the sapho has developed some good copper and gold ore and withal the property is preparing to give an excellent account of itself before the season closes tonopah bonanza at the alpine lynch omeara lone mountain can be seen a ledge eleven feet wide that will average per ton four and one half feet of this ledge assays essays 1050 ounces silver 59 per cent lead and 1712 per cent copper eureka sentinel the following ore shipments have ben made over the eureka palisade railroad for the week ending may 22 1903 mine lbs ore excelsior eureka consolidated richmond ely news A twenty foot shaft on the smokey claim the property of R J harmon and james has exposed a four foot vein of black and pyrite copper ore carrying high values in that metal further along and apparently on the same vein james P at a greater depth has an important development of the same character of ore ely news consummated Cons unmated here this week was the most important mining deal of the present season involving the purchase of the juniper group of gold and copper bearing claims by the mckinley mining smelting smelling Sm elting company through their local representative W N mcgill the vendors of the property are R M and W J peters and mrs L S scott of this place Winne winnemucca muc ca silver state the mine property owned by fred wendel rudolph winkler and carl keller situated in the dutch flat mining district has just been sold according to information given the silver state this morning for the sum of the purchasers are the glasgow western exploration company of golconda the deal being consummated through the efforts of stallman farren yerington times several nen are still doing contract work at the douglas mine above the tunnel level sinking has not been resumed yet after fooling around with an old gasoline hoist for some ome weeks past and being unable to make it work man from the union gas engine works work in san francisco came up the first of the week and pronounced the hoist no good worn out in all proba probability the douglas company will now procure a new hoist and resume resume sinking as soon as it arrives and can be installed the mine is looking ex cee well winnemucca silver state james hood was in town last night after some location blanks for mining claims and informed the silver state that he had run across a promising prospect below mill city in III ground that had not been prospected for many years but which was long ago known to contain low grade ore in great quantities mr hood has located a claim three miles this side of old humboldt town where in years long gone by flourished as a typical western mining town of 1500 inhabitants he struck a ledge two and a half feet thick and assays essays made show that the ore will run 50 in gold to the ton mr hood had some handsome specimens with him and hopes to get a fortune out of his discovery searchlight searchlight some time ago H E mccrea and james K both employed employ emp loyes ps of the quartette company purchased a claim from william harper the prospect was called the blue bird and situated about eight miles northeast of searchlight in the vicinity of the st louis property on the surface the showing was only fair the lead was traceable for some feet and in places gave hornings of some value As development work progressed therein the vein greatly improved both as to size and values now at a depth of forty feet they have five feet of ore that averages 16 and in the ledge there is a six inch pay streak of exceptionally rich ore A 1500 pound shipment of picked ore was made to the selby smelter of san francisco which gave returns equaling a ton A second shipment was recently made via the colorado river to the same smelter but the returns have not been received as yet cherry creek miner the old pine nut silver claim owned by L R pierce and mrs D pierce of this camp was one of the most prolific producers and shippers of high grade silver ore in cherry creek camp in the days of silver and for several months past has been under bond and lease to W 6 C rose dark clark and johb jobb who last week struck a rich ledge four feet wide of black metal averaging ounces to the ton in silver they are running a foot tunnel to tap the ledge at depth and are also now sinking on a ledge of from three to four feet in width going from to ounces in silver the leas ers are sacking ten tons of this high grade ore for shipment to salt lake and will continue sinking on the ledge and expect to encounter much richer ore at depth the ore values are in black metal chlorides and an bromides and tree milling |