Show MAGNA MILL RAPIDLY LIMBERING UP utah copper is rushing reconstruction of its magna mill and a appears p pears to be making it every effort to bring the plant to capacity operations as quick as possible according in to information from magna the second new unit of flotation in the marrna magna plant was put into operation on the the first unit was operation november 10 A third unit is expected to be ready for operation by december 1 and it is understood that plans provide for additional dit ional units to be in readiness so that every two weeks another unit will be started until the plant attains its total capacity the magna mill for some months has been undergoing reconstruction at present men are employed in the ma mana magna na mill of these about are employed in milling operations and the remaining are doing reconstruction work when athen the third unit of flotation is put in operation aroud december 1 it is understood that an additional to men will be required each flotation unit has a rated capacity of 1000 tons of ore a day at the arthur mill there are 13 units but this plant which is employing about men has lately been milling about tons of ore daily when the magna ii mill aill has been completely remodeled it probably will furnish employment for about men and will handle close to the tonnage now being put through the arthur plant however it is expected that the men now working on construction work in the magna plant will to a large extent stay on and go to work as mill hands with both mills operating at capacity the ore requirements will be increased so that the force employed at the mine will undoubtedly have to be increased sufficient to furnish from to tons of ore daily the magna mill was closed in march 1919 when the copper industry crisis was apparent the arthur mill continued in operation until april of last year after a years shut down the arthur mill was started up but the magna mill was closed from the time it shut down in march 1919 until the first new flotation unit was started three weeks ago |