Show petroleum notes producers refiners refinery Re finers corporation has promoted H J boisdorf to position of district manager of its gas department he was formerly manager of the fremont gas co in river ton hudson and lander wyoming navajo city the newest town towa in new mexico has been launched on the shiprock road twenty miles m les west of farmington farmin b the new location is the nearest possible townsite to the I 1 af midwest companas Comp anys oil field and will do much to boost the field after the town is laid out the difference between the oil fields in the rocky mountain region and those farther east says the wyoming oil index is that most of the oil out here is still in the ground while most of the oil back there has been taken out and consumed in other words this is a coming oil country while that is a going b oin 6 oil land and will soon be a gonner at the site of the producers refiners refinery Re finers refinery at grenville wyoming work has been progressing rapidly since the weather cleared and over one hundred men are at work camp facilities having been completed to accommodate that number A large crew with teams is clearing and grading for the big steel tanks and preparing for ons for the stills boiler houses and pump houses the report was circulated in salt lake city that a well had been brought in by the cramner wilson toni company pany of denver which has been drilling on the organ rock structure in san juan county utah all the recent reports from san juan county have stated that the develop development men of oil in the or organ oran an rock structure was Z generady gene raly regarded in the san juan district as a practical certainty the independent oil buying company of wyoming Wy orning R L davis et al made its first shipment of crude oil from casper november ber 8 the oil was bought from salt creek producers and transported through the line of the central pipe line company and loaded out of casper in in I 1 tank cars at the purchasing Z company comp anys s plant east of casper and adjoining adjoin ino b the texas oil companas Comp anys refinery this shipment marks a new era in the history of the oil industry of wyoming as it is is really the first independent oil to be shipped out of the state for refinery purposes the one really important bit of oil news in the rawlins fields recently was the brining in of a new wells by good an and nutting on the southeast quarter of section 3 township ship 26 o range 90 for some weeks this well has been anxiously awaited as it was expected any day for the past month the drill ell e countered oil sands at about 2400 feet but these sands have hav been barely penetrated as the management wished vi shed to ma mab embar a every possible preparation for which might prove an em rassing bassing ras sing 6 gusher which might catch them in no position to take ta care of the output rawlins republican T C conley the green river utah oil nian man has mae ix ty sire preparations to resume sinking z at his oil property miles below green river when n operations we were a ed on the well more than a year ago the bit had e enter formation through which it was impossible to priced P tinie g without casing and that was impossible to get at the well it is now reported that mr conley has the proposition one financed and he has secured the necessary casing froidl of the ohio companas comp anys abandoned wells sunk by tal tle at boril pany in the huntington Z 11 region 6 last year the western empire petroleum Cor corporation corporal ion roger b er powers general manager has completed c fitting f UP P and tall TJ accommodations at the companas comp anys plant at coalville Co alville u every everything thilI n y now low is in ill shape for all winter operation recent progress in dalling has been slow on account of difficulties encountered but it is thought that from now on progress will be much more rapid it is reported that the oil exploration branch of the anaconda copper company has secured two railroad sections and a government section together with some additional patented land two and one half miles east of the western empire holdings and that these people will begin drilling by june of next year it is reported that at least two important interests are con Sd ering taking natural gas from the baxter basin district southwestern wyoming to salt lake city utah surveying parties have gone over the route in autom automobiles As planned at lD present resent the right of way would follow the route of the union pacific closely until it reached echo city when it would cut strai straight Z lit across tile the country to salt lake city I 1 from salt lake laterals literals late rals it would be run to ogden and provo th tars s would give a main line of about miles with perhaps miles of laterals literals late rals such a line would probably require 12 14 and 18 inch pipe the estimated cost of such stich an undertaking is placed at in well informed circles there is no doubt but what such a line will be laid next year the only thing to prevent such an undertaking beng the failure of the baxter basin field to meet expectations by further drilling casper inland oil index |