Show BOISE CAPITAL WILL OPERATE BIG PLACERS ABOVE BONVILLE GIB A deal has been perfected whereby the pioneer placers belonging to hennessy morgan jones and the estate have passed under bond and lease to capitalists of boise the reported consideration bein being 6 more than the deal concerns the title to 1080 acres of patented placer ground situated near the main divide above gibbonsville Gibb onsville along the gibbonsville wisdom highway and mostly lying on the montana side says the salmon idaho idah 0 herald of tile the for many years this ground has been known to be rich in placer gold but only within the last year have the owners been in shape to effect a deal of this nature E E edwards of the citizens bank at salmon has represented the estate and has devoted several months to the object of interesting prominent mining men in the scheme of development his labors have been successful and the papers have all been signed granting a bond and lease of the property to chas C zumwalt and ralph shaner of butte and mr edwards of salmon these latter in turn giving a similar paper to W H paddock and C PI phillips of boise who are said to represent a p powerful ower ful company that will place a dredge Z on tile the grou 6 ground ild in case the prospecting which they intend to do proves up to their satisfaction portions of the ground at least are known to be very rich bendees ready to prospect the bendees have made all preparations to commence prospecting the ground which will be very thoroughly done by means of shafts and supplies for this work have been purchased at salmon As snow in that hi high h altitude is already deep the prospecting will wilf be deferred till opening of sprint spring cr and next season will be expected to determine the fate of the enterprise men familiar with the ground however low are bertan that it will prove of great commercial value and that one or more dredging machines will be installed the movement possesses notable local interest inasmuch as most of the supplies will be bought at salmon and all the paychecks pay checks will pass through the citizens national bank of this city facts respecting this important deal have been known for some time at the herald office but not until this week has the paper been authorized to say that it has been perfected |