Show MONTANA them the appeal of the butte and superior Super for mining company from the judgment grant ing damages to the minerals separation limited has been denied J ross mcdonald McDo of butte formerly associated socia ted with the late F augustus heinze is operating the old jack taylor mine in williams gulch near virginia city butte and superiors august production showed a substantial increase over the month of july A total of pounds of zinc in concentrates ounces of silver and tons of lead concentrates was produced A W farrier one of the directors of the rambler mining company recently paid a visit to the properties of tile the liberty metals company five miles south of troy finding development work progressing at a rapid rate fred AT fields superintendent of the easton mine near virginia city has closed down the cyanide plant of that property and will devote his time during the winter months to the installation of a cyaniding cyan iding plant at the missouri mine at mcallister A A lat lage le shoot of high grade milling ore I 1 carrying excellent silver values has been encountered in the old concordia property near silver bow the concordia mining a milling company present operators is installing stall n g ore bins and expect to commence shipping this month the davis daly copper company is increasing its production most satisfactorily august figures show totals of pounds of copper and ounces of lead as compared with pounds of copper and ounces of silver for july the production in february consisted of pounds of copper and ounces of silver A rich silver strike has been made in one of the lower levels of the two per cent mine located on poorman hill near burg A seven foot vein was encountered averaging along its entire race 78 ounces of the white metal while two feet of the ore will run as high as ounces T F van dorn of now new york has the property under lease and bond A S moss of caldwell idaho a large stockholder of the tarbox mining company accompanied ji by richard daxon the com banys president recently paid the mine a visit twenty six feet of good milling ore has been uncovered on a crosscut in the raise about seventy fly five e feet above the 1000 foot level the property is about three miles from saltese maltese Sal tese mineral county four claims belonging to fred bloom and mrs edith hills located in the sheep I 1 rock mining district about three miles south of basin have been optioned option ed to J T asher cowan and W S larsen of salt lake city it is the intention of the new operators to prosecute further development 1 1 work on a property that has already proved its merit values in one of the claims run ning as high as ounces of silver |