Show morrison merrill co I 1 salt lake city I 1 the principal building material supply house in the intermountain west MINING TIMBERS framed timbers shaft guides in clear fir mining poles and fir and lodge pole pine wedges and lagging SHIPMENT DIRECT FROM PACIFIC COAST we also carry heavy stocks of standard sized timbers in our yards at salt lake city phone wasatch rill urill which hole will you drill by using smaller gauge changes you can drill holes of proper bottom diameter but requiring less rock to be removed thus boosting drill speed and band cutting down wear and breakage on both drill and steel 6 6 double are arc bits will do this work wonderfully well they are made with double taper wings to gauge changes of 1 16 inch the double arc distributes the work of drilling over n the whole cutting edge so that it dulls dulls much less rapidly than n others made in the sullivan T sharpener catalogue on request sullivan GU L LIVAN machinery I 1 go co I 1 walker bank I 1 j salt lake city it costs cost s less than 3 cents per ton including labor upkeep and supplies to concentrate ore on the senn pan motion concentrator stick k to gravity concentration unless the greater cost of supplies operation and maintenance of a more elaborate method of concentration is more than paid for by an increased saving test your ore by repeated bannings pann ings the senn will save all the tan pan can save one senn pans a tonnage that would require ire four ordinary banners van ners it if requires only onet one t third hird as much water it pans either classified ortt or unclassified feed the large capacity and high recovery of the senn mean low first cost of mill and low opera operating ting cost per ton of ore milled with maximum profit front specify senn pan motion concentrators senn concentrator concentrate Concen trat or company Coni panY 1215 5 R first national bank sari francisco cal U S A stimpson equipment co salt lake city southwestern engineering co los angeles |