Show IDAHO thomas E bennetts Bemi etts alex weber and inhere interests W A hay backed by wyoming are leasing the baxter group of 0 copper claims out from mackay and have uncovered they thel a promising lead of copper ore ready have a shipment of about forty tons tor for market A L flock owner of the magnet group grop ills W at X kellogg reports that he has driven fee 4 main tunnel a distance of about i and that for some time he has been drifting on the vein he has recently opened a showing of silver chlorides along the hanging wall and is rapidly approaching a point under his surface workings where the vein shows strong the work is being watched with interest by local min J ing men manager raymond guyer of the rex consolidated mining company announces that the resumption of operations operation s at the property located out from wallace will consist first of an extension of the tunnel of the red monarch company to a point under the rex shaft and the driving of a raise to the latter this will require about 1200 feet of tunnel driving and feet of raising the shaft is feet deep and the present length of the tunnel is about feet 1 president D W price of the big creek leasing company operating the ground below the level of the yankee eoy boy mine lat t kellogg under lease has filed his annual report of operations for the year 1917 it shows a net profit for the year of 11 the details of operation follow tons of ore extracted 2468 gross value cost of extraction royalties paid freight and treatment ent betterments and repairs secretary harry R allen alien of the shernan an development company has made anther payment of on the union nine ine located near burke and has secured i satisfactory extension of the ilO OOOO still due for the property the company has paid to date A good re showing has been developed in the prin apal tunnel no 5 but the company is a trong one and will proceed with development rather than try to make ore shipments pay future installments of the pur hase aase price |