Show jerome brome verde district dl serl ct news BY ROY N DAVIDSON jerome ariz july 24 hywell davies i alternate ternate il federal administrator after hear no ng t committees from all sides and after investigating vesti gating the various problems put up to Y lim hini left the latter part of last week for los jos angeles where he has been in consulta consulia tion ion with chas W clark general manager of f the united verde copper company it As s said that matters affecting the providing of if suitable and cheaper places of abode for the he employed emp loyes of the district will be the principal topic taken up at this conference while the houses and accommodations owned by the united verde and the united verde erde extension are rented to their em loyes at a very low rate there is not adequate room for all workers and other property owners are complained against as hav ing ng charged excessive rents both of the larger arger companies are building additional quarters lu arters and their plans include further expensive construction along ahat that line but at the he present time partly due to the recent ire re which destroyed so many dwellings lousing housing facilities are very limited in jerome md and rooms are almost impossible to secure I 1 it at any price 1 at a recent conference in bisbee mine operators of the state of arizona agreed to a i flat increase of 50 cents per day per man when hen the war industries board inor increased eased the he price of copper to 26 cents all other districts except jerome have posted notices of f such increase but here on account of the act that the matter is entirely in the hands bands of f the administrator for adjustment there has las been no announcement as to the increase As such would have taken effect ven iven though no demands were made it is 0 o be presumed that the ruling of mr davies ill grant an increase of 50 cents along ith such other rulings as will be laid down ay iy Y hira him the demands of the central labor niola were for a flat increase of per aay ay for all classes of labor mr davies before he left for los angles stated that he would return within he next ten days or two weeks and that ny y increase granted would date from uly ly verde combination 6 although showing nothing new and of ln exciting nature for the past few lays days e work being done on the 1080 level at ade V erde combination is more than encourage n ng g As 48 far as goes the no 1 ra fiat which was started in a southeasterly ejection Jec erection tion from the station exposes by a at eat deal the most favorable conditions waving abing shown for its entire distance of over 1 apy arty feet a formation full of yi 4 pyrite A sample taken from all the ck broken for a ten foot advance looks very good indeed and will probably ass assay ay from 6 to 8 per cent in copper the mineralized erali zed streaks in no 1 which had a course from southeast to nort northwest hvest when the heading was originally started from the station changed to a more easterly course at about twenty five feet and from that point the drift was changed to follow the the formation I 1 in th this is heading is schist with some quartz coming in A new heading called no 4 has been started northwesterly from the northwest corner of the station where the 1 slight I moisture appeared this has advanced thirty feet is in a schist and quartz and shows some no 3 crosscut running toward the large quartz ledge which was cut on the level is now in fifty five feet and the formation is schist the no 2 drift running southwest from the station has been temporarily discontinued to permit of concentration of work in the headings which appear to have a more direct connection with the no 13 quartz ledge work will probably be resumed here at some future date calumet jerome due to the fact that they are planning to do some diamond drilling on oil the level at calumet jerome other development work is being cut down and only one shift per day will be worked from now on in the headings being run toward the south A contract to do 2000 feet of drilling has been let to the diamond drilling company this is the same outfit who have contracts with the grand island and jerome verde green monster the dorothy way omay shaft at green monster of 72 2 feet and has attained a depth 1 1 is bottomed in a diorite showing some iron and sulphides sulp hides in the gorge tunnel they are following the contact cut by the raise for the purpose of ascertaining if the porphyry deposit lies as a flat formation or not sixty or more feet of crosscutting and drifts show that the deposit lies flat jerome verde work at jerome verde is being rushed in the le velling of the 1100 level connections so that by the time the raise to the maintop ore body is completed it will be possible to tram the ore to the columbia shaft for hoisting no announcement has been made as to whether shipments will be made at once but it Is possible that with some sorting ore of good enough grade graneto to permit of hauling to the railroad and shipping to the smelter can be extracted from the maintop the raise is now up feet on the in dine cline and should be completed before the middle of august in the other work being done nothing of an exciting nature has shown up at the new smelter of the united verde extension they are experiencing more than the usual run of hard luck in starting up the blast furnace in the two attempts made the charges have frozen up and it will be several days before the last can be chissel ed out and another effort made shipments sufficient to produce about pounds of copper will be made to the custom smelters shelters sm elters during the month so that the property will not fall completely down during the month of august the new smelter will have a maximum capacity of 1200 tons per day |