Show trade notes the pope shenon mining company of salmon idaho is installing a sullivan drill sharpener the H B D mcgown company of atlanta idaho recently installed sullivan corn compressor pres and drills the american asphalt association of dragon utah recently added sullivan air drills which will be employed in mining gilsonite the morse brothers machinery supply company of denver is dismantling the old lowell mill at idaho springs colorado it has not been operated for several years but the machinery is worth more now than when new the dorr company announces a cl change iange effective august 1st ast in the address of its new york office to park avenue where much needed additional space has been secured to care for the continued expansion of its business the robins conveying belt company of new york R ac K stockwell of salt lake we western steril representative is designing furnishing the material and building the beet handling and storage plant for the gunnison valley sugar company at gunnison Gunnis utah the salt lake iron steel company of salt lake has been awarded a contract for the manufacture of eighteen four blade ship propellers for the government delivery to be completed within two months they are already being turned out by the local foundry in addition a proposal made by the same company for the manufacture of steam windlasses wind lasses has been accepted but the extent of the order has not been made public at this writing G al stratton is general manager for the salt lake iron steel company the well known mine contracting r arm arm of walter fitch jr inc of eureka utah has secured the contract for sinking a new three compartment shaft for the chief consolidated soli dated mining company at that place mr fitch expects to commence work on the big job before the end of the present month and will employ the force which recently completed a similar piece of work at the prince consolidated at pioche nevada the new chief shaft is to be sent to water level estimated at about 2000 feet its dimensions are to be seventeen feet four inches by six feet two inches two compartments part ments each will be four feet six inches by four feet two inches in size and the third four feet six inches by six feet two inches |