Show 0 A i 7 A 1 MEMBER SALT LAKE STOCK AND MINING investment securities direct private wires east and west successors salt lake city branch LOGAN BRYAN 2409 HUDSON AVE OGDEN so MAIN SALT LAKE WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KINDS OF I 1 CIRCULAR WORK FOR THE MINING I 1 profession I 1 assessment and dividend notices calls for fo r meet ings and proxies reports and letters to stock holders market letters etc typewriting address ing filling in I 1 TIGRA aj fr 1 l successors to keller keller I 1 kearns ald 9 salt lake city phone was i ACCURACY RIGHT PRICES promptness S 5 I 1 THE STANDARD AND LITTLE JANNEY I 1 FLOTATION MACHINES are both of the mechanical air type combines the advant j ages of both mechanical and air treatment of the pulp tor for g flotation operation entirely automatic no regulating s gates g or froth re movers slight adjustment of air valves s gives any desired rate of froth discharge one man operates g as many as standard machines I 1 the janney patented circulating feature has a similar j effect upon flotation to that obtained by having a screened or g Z 5 classi classified fled circulating load through any crushing medium g s we make a specialty of testing ores by flotation send g 9 for illustrated booklets 2 and sold exclusively by iy ay J I 1 STIMPSON EQUIPMENT COW CO J I 1 felt building salt lake city utah GET BULLETIN 88 PAGES BARGAINS IN ST LOUIS BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING lyalls RA ILS locomotives S CARS cans MINING MACHINERY POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT |