Show WYOMING G it is reported that a strong vein of coal has been uncovered on the evans farm on section 36 34 31 79 about three miles east of casper the story says that a vein irom from six to ten feet wide has been uncovered the coal being of high grade and that a company has been organized for its development but no particulars regarding the latter are published the wind river refining company has commenced the enlargement of its refinery at lander the increase in production in that field necessitates doubling the present capacity of the plant and it is thought that the possibilities of increased production in nearby fields will lead the management to prepare for even a greater increase tom botterill of denver is president of the company the manville petroleum company is drilling its holdings located about three three miles south of manville it is prepared to prove the field and has contracted with the driers drillers dr illers to send the first well to feet the company already has spent in that field other companies which are planning development there include the general petroleum and glenrock glenbock Glen rock petroleum companies both of which are said to be preparing to have standard rigs go 90 to work in the near future iture it the cub oil gas company capitalized at has been organized at ogden utah with offices in the eccles build ing there the officers are william Willia mAlli alii son president P T moyes vice president sam G dye treasurer G J reeder secretary leroy buchmiller helon H butler and L pruett W H reeder is attorney the property is located in the lost soldier oil fields in wyoming where drilling operations are expected to be commenced within the next sixty days the lance creek field twenty five miles northwest of lusk promises to be the scene of immense activities the coming season it seems destined to take rank almost immediately with the big fields of the state H R antonides a broker of denver following a recent visit to that section states that the initial well is flowing between 2000 and barrels a day though partially checked and probably is capable of he places the number of derricks already erected at ninety five with twelve wells drilling and the value of equipment already in that section at 3 other authorities state that there will be or more wells drilled there the coming summer |