Show OREGON manager L S morrison of the steam beer mine located near leland reports that preliminary preparations are about complete and that the property is practically ready for the seasons run H sordy who is operating a quartz property in rocky gulch near galice stated early in the month that the placer miners of that section are playing in hard luck this season because of a lack of water for operating to date there is very little snow in the mountains and all streams are running low parvin wright an experienced miner connected with the wright steel foundry company of seattle washington writes that his firm is investigating the feasibility of installing an electric furnace at grants pass for the reduction of various ores in josephine county strong claims are made for the process mr wright says in part you have one of the best counties josephine se phine in the state for this kind of a furnace as it will treat chrome manganese lead copper gold ores and anything else that will melt the furnace has already done all that we claim for it we made our first electric smelter in 1913 11 the joint ways and means committee of the state legislature was told by W L gazzam a former seattle capitalist now a resident of grants pass that the chrome and manganese deposits in southern oregon are the greatest in the world authority for this statement said mr gazzam was a representative of the guggenheim interests the statement was used as a basis for the request by the state board of mines and geology for an appropriation of mr gazzam continued 1 I dont believe you realize that the mining possibilities of oregon have only been scratched you have enormous resources oregon has the same geological formation for oils and minerals that california has the past year the state produced 95 per cent of all the chrome mined in the united states |