Show THE HE MAXIMS 4 OF TRAYLOR BALL afi ALL MILLS built with or without correctly spaced diaphragm screen the bearings are correctly proportioned to carry the maximum load scoop feeders of correct design to assure maximum capacity our engineers have made an extensive study of ball and mill crushing and construction the information is yours for the asking lining correctly designed to give the maximum life bulletin S B 1 contains it mention it traylor engineering manufacturing Manufacturing i company main office and works allentown pa new york chicago los angeles spokane I 1 ROBINS CONVEYING coq MACHINERY tons of limestone were taken from the stockpile at the S dominion gominion minion iron and steel companas Comp anys quarry and loaded into the hold of a steamer in 3 hours 37 minutes by a series of robins belt elt conveyors this is part of the robins system send for our handbook of conveyor practice and learn more about it ROBINS CONVEYING BELT CO 4 jmj Z salt lake city newhouse chicago old colony park row building N Y city J san francisco the griffen co i birmingham alg ala C R B davis co mikii hlll 1111 mi nii ll ll I 1 T READINESS TO SERVE T T T Is a big factor with the mine and steam trade in in selecting a regular source of fuel supply T we ca can n at all times readily protect your needs with castle gate gat clear T creek and pleasant valley coals all of established reputation place your business with us we will do the rest sunnyside Sunny side Smi thino coal and coke T U UTAH TAH FUEL COMPANY iz G general offices to top floor judge building SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |