Show cb Curl DAN PATCH FAILS Lord Derby Beats the Monk in Sen Sea Sensational Race Bace ral N X Y T S Sept pt 11 Dan Fate ini in bin hta b effort to break the world P Pt P ins ing record against time at the state fair fai r grounds re today Thirty thousand r 1 rs pie lo le saw the LM attempt and interest int rest rell resta 1 at a Intense int bun whoa when Mit h reached the tM po poet t in seconds lot for it ita as a thought tho he be stood ar good snow show te to teat at his bla own ow record of ot lU The Th third was wu done in good time but facing a breeM b H blowing Wowing up the home tret h he be lost time and in inV Ino o Oe V The time by br b quarters was wasIe S SV h I Ul Ie 1 M V sensational feature of or IU was w an exiting attar o rn f to wagon between The Monk drive by ti ti Mr Yr Bill BUI Billing ing ings gi and anti Lord Lon Derby driven by Mr withers which Lord Derby w n with t F to spare Later Lord Derby Darby was driven to a sulky to boat the trot trotting ting tg record of or the your year but the best I he do was 06 The Monk also was driven tm t P o J 3 sulky in lit Sl G C 1 GNEW |