Show STOCK MARKET OPENED STRONG STRON Traders Received Encourage Encouragement Enco rage ment From London 4 CALL MONEY RATE HIGHER 4 I OVER OVEE A MILLION ILLION SHARES DEALT I IN DURING THE DAY 1 New York Sept lIThe street ex cx x a genuine surprise today toda whoa when the directors of the St Paul road placed d 0 the common stock on a 7 per cent basis basla This was better by b half hal of ot 1 per cent than thail had been expected and the market which had been unsettled all aU day dl as a 8 result I of ot conflicting rumors regarding St Paul and an advance in call I money to 11 par nr p r cent closed very active but weak The Tile list opened with considerable strength receiving encouragement from London where Americans alone were w re firm Other factors which made for higher prices were the governments monthly crop re port and the weeding out on the previous day da or ot a number of weak accounts The most noteworthy movement at the open Ing In was Baltimore Ohio The strength of ot that stock was ex cx later when It became known that thal the th directors tors of the tho road had authorized an Issue of ot extra common stock to the th amount of ot the issue earning carryIng with It the to subscribe at Par oar In I the same early movement there were gains Ins In Missouri Pacific Louisville Nashville Denver D nver Rio Grande Grands South 51 tJ em Railway h Reading Chesapeake A Ohio o and other r s Rumors later found to be false were responsible for tor a rise in Colorado Fuel which soon later lost its Improvement i initial dealings also showed better prices for tor American Hide Leather newly listed American Smelting the local trac Chicago Union Traction and Ten nesree Coal Iron Following the he move St Paul which had nad been comparatively Inconspicuous be began b gan gun to show marked heaviness on profit taking followed by rumors of a dividend I disappointment Traders seized the tho op to sell the list and further un certainty was occasioned by rumors that the banks contemplated a campaign against certain industrials and pool stocks as a whole Business fell off ott materially and nd conservative commis sion sian houses advised their clients to hold off ott for fez a decline To add to the general Jene l feeling reeling of ot alarm money mone on call can was then being nominally quoted as high as 15 per cent and waa was actually loaning at 11 nor IIer cent The knowing ones seemed alto gether In the dark regarding St Paul and that Bt stock was In the throes of ot a selling movement The afternoon session brought a slightly I better tone but all hands were nn ot St Paul and supporting orders In Western stem Union Baltimore Ohio and several Other stocks helped to steady the list An of ot the dividend action on St Paul caused a rally of more than 2 points in that stock and the balance of the list was strengthened but not to any an great degree St Paul on transactions in ex ox cess ceas of ot shares registered a D net loss of ot 1 points The daya business was rather narrow though total operations amounted to over shares London was again a moderate trader transactions approximating approximating approximating mating shares and a gain on the selling side There was no demand for tor Baltimore Ohio shares from that cen tar The money outlook was waa tory with a further loss of ot cash by the banks to the ury The latter In transferred for the banks to New Orleans and vald oaid out for f r Seattle gold received at ot San Francisco There was no further word as to gold imports and sterling exchange fell tell off oft lii 1 points Railroad bonds were irregular today but movements were generally narrow Total sales United States new declined 4 and the Is and the old b i per cent on the last call can Bond Quotations U S ref 1 N 13 U lW Do coupon IOS Men Mex Cent I 82 32 U 5 Ia IL 1st Inc 31 Do coupon M 3 St L es J 1 S n n e IL L K r F Do Coupon M If K IC T T s Is 14 U 13 S 5 O 0 Is N Y Cent Do coupon General 3 s 1 S S Ss 58 re N J Do cOupon 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