Show BELIEVES MARS INHABITED Professor Hough Kough of Chicago Has Ha Been een e n Studying the te Matter Chicago Sept H That a people superior in Intelligence to of oC the earth inhabit the planet Macs Mt is A 1 a conclusion that wilt will wil be b set et forth by Professor Pr f tor G W V Hough head hed of or the department of ot astronomy of or North Northwestern Northwestern Northwestern western university in a a report which he is compiling of ot his hi summers ob oh observations ob from the Dearborn observatory observatory observatory tory He asserts that as a probability based on recent reent discoveries and adds that of or course it I can cn never be established established positively The conclusion in includes Includes eludes the tile acceptance of or the theory theor of oC evolution and the statements statement of or lead leadIng leadIng leading Ing astronomers that climatic condi condl conditions conditions of oC Mars ars are the same as ag of the earth eath The rhe possibility of Venus and Mercury earh being eing Ing inhabited Is admitted because they have solidified and the Intense heat resulting from their Intene proximity proximity to the sun may have hove been over oer overcome overcome come by b a deeper covering of or atmo atmosphere ato atmosphere sphere None of ot of the other planets in inthe Inthe inthe the opinion of or the professor could contain animal life le |