Show Stocks at London New Naw York Tork May 2 1 sers London financial cablegram ram Busi Busl Business ness neI was wu quiet in the markets here today and Sod the tone was dull Console dropped drooped on R the ba hardening d of the from 4 although the war loan Ossed from 5 to 5 Americans Am bung ung at itt parity all day dav There is no initiative in Ia them theiR here The rhe failure ot of the Pennsyl Pennsylvania vania yank directors to Increase the dividend no surprise here but the strikes 1 are disliked The close was haggling Copper C shares Phares were weak on Paris he heaviness v vr f iness being down to 56 55 extra 1 r 4 dividend There was wu no gold movement I CaR Call money was in strong demand and Mils bills w ware r steady and scarce Th bank renewed a few loans loane and lent more mon ey Cl besides doing a large business in dis din discounts discounts counts Silver was 1 harder forward at New York refusing to soil sell under 27 21 1 at which price there ware some contract the market looks lonks hard I |