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Show B . I AMERICAN FORK LOCALS AND PERSONALS ' IB School stnrts Monday. B Uuy brcnd mndo at home. A. F. li. H Mr. V. M. Groo spent Friday In Suit B Luke Oil bUHlllOHS, ftEtf Mr. T. M. Brown wan In Hull .like B Tuesday on business, K Hoys' School Suits und Shoes that K wear nt Chlpman's . C-lt B t, Mr. Ernest Madison spent Monday B hi I'rovo. B ' Mr. Kiln lllgler left Monduy for u B two week's business trip In Culltor- Bj uln. VH MIhb Alice Parker has accepted u BB position us cash girl In Chlpman BB Merc. Co. H Mr. .Inhu Davis and family return- BB . ed Monday from a week's visit In BJr Spanish Fork. R C. A, Stain of Salt l.uke, spent Sat- BS unlay In American Fork on business. BB Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shipley returned BB' f from Salt Lake Monday, nrter a few Bj, day's visit there. BB Mr. llactell Parker or I'rovo, spent BB Sunday In American Fork with his BB parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1,. Parker, BB The Misses Sarnh Parker and Flor- BB cucu Chlimiiu returned Monday from BB . a few day's visit In Salt Lake. B Mrs. Steve Shelley was In Plea- BR taut Orove Sunday, to attend the fun- BB ernl of Mary Richard. BB MrH. Fred Strong of Alpuu, former- BB' ly Miss Florence Thornton of this BB. city, presented her husband with u BB ' baby girl Monday, August 31st. BB, l.esllo Hnnecck of Snn lloruardluo, BB California, spout tho forepart of tlio BB week In American Fcrk, visiting Mrs. BB AIlco Campbell. SB. Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Rnudolph of BB Salt Lake Spent tlio latter part of BB tlio week hero visiting Mrs. Ran- DM dolph's pnrcuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pul- IL HW" , Uuy your Dress Goods from us and IBJ Mrs. Greonwood, tho dress mnkcr, flBj w'll tell you how to trim nud make kBJ It, She Is located up stairs In Chip- !B man's Rig Red Store. If you want to nj learn how to innko your own dresses, iflm sho has a largo class and will train i3B you how to do that. Every girl ought IBS to learn bow to sow. C-lt 3&jjf" Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pnxman loft SjmUf ' this wcok for Cowloy, Wyo., where JBB Mr. Paxmau will havo charge of the SwW iuubIo dopartmont of tho Rig Horn iMSK Stake Academy. Mr. Pnxman had yB - charge of thu uamu school last year nHB and met with groat success. Jlw5 Parlors for teaching of drcssmnk- flBni ,,1B nlul a'" for l,rt;8Blnlklng, will Hj open Soptcmbcr 7, 1914, All persona JBB.i desiring to do business or learning BB of dressmaking will apply to Mrs. BM Alma 'Greenwood. 29-tf Miss Kiln Storrs was a Provo visitor visit-or Sunday. Miss Renh Hamuctt of Alpine, spent tho week In American Fork. Miss Ethel Kelly returned Sunday 1 1 ijmi ii montli's visit In Rlngham. Miss Vein Mcklnnoy of Camp Floyd, Is hero visiting this week, the guest of Miss Leah Uassett. T. J. Parkor went to Eurekn Tuesday, Tues-day, for a few day's visit with IiIb parents. Miss Orn Lynch returned' from Og-dun Og-dun Sunday, after a week's visit there with friends and lelatlves. KU'iy child will want a red and white bnloori on n stem. The girls like them as well as the boys. Chip-man's Chip-man's sell them only 10c. each. G-lt The only things Hint have not gone up In price Is postage stumps and (he Citizen. If you like the Citizen tell your friends; If not, tell us, so we can, Improve Im-prove our paper. The Young Men's Republican club will hold a session next Tuesday evening. Try our cottage bread, only 10 cents. Amorlcnn Fork llakery. 1-tf Miss Meta Klmmlo of Salt Lake, Is hero visiting this week with Miss Mao Hansen. Mrs. lleujamlu Fullmer and daughter, daugh-ter, Myrtle, spent Friday uud Saturday Satur-day In Salt Lake. Mrs. Elizabeth Ncedhum Is home from Provo, nfter u three week's visit with her son, W, S. Needhnm. Miss Arscun Hr.usou spent Sunday and Monday In Suit Lake visiting friends. Mas Annie Sluck was tho guest of Miss Chloe Thoruo at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Thornton Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Strong, in Alpine. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilds spent Sunday Sun-day in Alpine, guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Strong. A recent report gave Emmett Much us tho registration ofuccr for tlio Third district. Mr. E. 11. Hawkins la tho otuulul registrar for this district. Tho Misses Nora nntl Vllato Mc-Mlllln Mc-Mlllln of Hebcr City, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1,. C. Henrold this week. Miss Sylvia Mlscnor returned Sunday Sun-day from a two week's visit with her son and daughter In Garland nud Logan. nuy your sanitary picnic plates at tho Amorlcnn Fork llakery, twenty-llvo twenty-llvo for 10c. 22-tf Labor Day Molidny. Norm Wing and family spent Monday Mon-day In Salt Lake. Mrs. Anito Chlpman wns n l'roo visitor Monday. Support homo industry by purchasing purchas-ing bread at American Fork Uakery. Miss Fern Chlpmun spent part ot the week In Provo. Stephen L, and Warren Andeison wero Provo visitors Sunday. Miss Georgia Sinclair spent the forepart fore-part of tho week In Salt" Lake. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. In'gorsoll spw'1 Thursdny In Salt Lake. A large shipment Just milled yesterday yes-terday or Ladles' Fnll and Winter Suits and New Dress Ooods. Watch our windows for styles nnd prices. Chlpman's. 5-lt Mr. und Mrs. Dell Clilpman or Provo, were American Fork visitors Sunday, ' Mr. Wnlter Adams or Provo, spent Monday In American Fork on business. busi-ness. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Woods were down In their enr Monday, Tjsjtlug American Fork friends nnd relatives. Miss Lucy Taylor or Salt Lake, Is hero visiting with Miss Mary Chip-mnn. Chip-mnn. Mr. und Mrs. Lyman Noycs of Provo, motored to American Fork Sunday and spent the day with relatives. rela-tives. " " - 1 Mrs. Roso Wilson uud children of San Rernnrdluo, Cal., nro hen? visiting with Mrs. Wilson's brother, .Mr. L Craudnll. Mr. Milton Pulley, who has been coullucd to his bed for some time with Intlamntory rheumatism, Is Improving. Improv-ing. Mr, nud Mrs. Clifford Strong and Helen Miller of Snlt Lnko, arc visiting visit-ing friends und relatives horc this week. . Mr. nnd Mrs. N. M. Ambrose were visiting In Snlt Lnko City Sunday, guests or their duuglitor, Mrs. John Hlnks. Miss Opal Robinson returned to her homo In Eureka Sunday, nfter a weok's visit hero with frlonds und relatives. The Misses Miriam TuyJprnnd Mnblo Ellertson or Provo, spent Saturday Sat-urday and Sunday here, visiting friends. Mr. Walter Strlnghnm, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Madison and family and Milton Cox of Mnntl,aro the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Miller this woek. "Anthony und Cleopatra," six reel special with picked selections by the Dawson Sisters, is a rnro treat offered offer-ed our patrons. Seo our ad. elsewhere on this page. Orient Theatre. C-lt Mrs. J. F. Noyes entertained Sntur. dny at dinner, complimentary to Mrs. W. R. Elliott and Miss Margaret King of Salt Lake City, tho tnblo having ror centerpiece pink nnd whlto ustors nnd covers laid for twelve. Prof. A. C. Lund ami Miss Ida Smith nnd sovernl others of tho 11. Y. l musical faculty, furnished tho music for a packed house lu tho Nebo State Tabernacle Inst Sunday night. I'tnh flockmnstcrs wero well pleased pleas-ed with the prices they received ror wool this seaBcn ns It brought Just n llttlo moro than they expected to get, according to A. W. llrown or Amorlcnn Amorl-cnn Fork, "Wool Is mi Important iiietor now lu sheep rnislng," ho snld. KmiBos city Drovers' Tclegrnm, August 27th. All you Lehl ladles and all you Pleasant Grovo ladles, lu fact nil ladles from far and near, can get your dresses made tho way you want thorn nnd when you want them and nt prices you can reach, ir you will cnll on MrB Alma Greonwood nnd other droBs makers up stairs In our Rig Red store. Commercial club rooms nil used ror dreBS mnklng parlors 5-lt Tim school room in which lovo Is not found as a bond between teacher and pupils must bo ns garreu or fruit ns n garden without nnturo's precious gifts, sunshine, rain, nnd duo. Chll. dien must not bo mndo to feel thnt sense of oppression or being watched as though they were prison birds I hoy aro always moro willing to act tho noble part It vredlt bo nihanccd' to them, ir they aro considered by tholr teachers to bo honorable and sincere. Ry this we do not mean they should remain unnoticed, but let this mnn I'" I'0", W.e lir,Z b U,l,t f t'' rrlo id, tin, loving advisor, tho companion, com-panion, and then there can bo no an-K''I'hi0 an-K''I'hi0 'coiitmont on tho part i : the children Watchfulness Is tho prlco of dlclpllno; but let this bo that of ho parent, tho child lover, the nf-n,c.t.,on.?tu nf-n,c.t.,on.?tu Kmmlll'' lovo your pupils "ovo'th"'" n,ch thera bccnUB yo Miss Inn Chlpman spent tho fore-pa fore-pa it of the week In Snlt Lake. Mrs. E. II. Holey Is homo after n ten day's visit In Snlt Luko. Mr. Nato Anderson of Provo wns tho gucBt of Miss Vida Leo Sundny. Six loaves of bread for 'Mr, or buy sl tickets ror 2Gc. 22-tr Miss Vera Lee spent Sunday In Sandy. ' "The TREY O' HEARTS'V-serlea will nmaso yoti. A new thought, a new (home, something different See It next Tuesday. C-lt Mrs. It. Moyle and children of Salt Lake, spent a few days this week In Amorlcnn Fork. Mr. W. S. Chlpman mndo u business busi-ness trip to Salt Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Chlpmnii nnd. Miss Nellie Crookston spent Friday In Salt Lake. There Is a mild case of diphtheria under quarentlnc In the city, but the City Physician says thnt ho has It un. dor thorough qtinrentlne, nnd that there Is no probable danger of nuy other cases spreading. Those Dawson Sisters sure work hard for your entertnlnmont. Do you notice how they match each and every picture with their harmonious music. G-lt Miss Leln Thornton entertained at dinner Friday in honor af Miss Irene Andorson, who leaves soon for Suit Lake. The evening wns spent In music und games, and nil enjoyed a party nt the Opren House. "The Giants' und White Soxs' World Tour,, Is one of tho most Interesting things that has ever been screened lu American Fork. Tho tour will often be looked at In history ns the initial introduction of base bnll Into foreign laud. This will bo shown 111 tho Opcru House Wednesday night. C-lt Mrs. Mary Ann Rnlph celebrated her 8Cth birthday last Saturday. Her neighbors and friends of the First ward Roller Society wero in attendance attend-ance nnd spent the afternoon In songs, Bpecchcs uud refreshments. Two of her dnughtors, Mrs. McCon-noll McCon-noll and Mrs. McComns of Hutte, Montana, woro present, and another daughter, Mrs. Mary Johnson, now on her way to Honolulu, remembered tho occasion with n beautiful present. Tho Third ward olllcers nnd teachers teach-ers gave n wntor mellon "bust" Tuesday Tues-day evening, In honor or Mr. Mark Green, former superintendent of the Third ward Sundny School, who leaves soon for tho cast. Mr. E. R, Hawkins has been sustained In his place. All the kiddles, both children and grown tips, stop and look nt our school supplies. Tho most attractive Dnloon window yet. Chlpman's Rig Red Store, American Fork, Utnh. C-lt Miss Olive Shelley Is up nnd tiround again from a severo nttnek or la pr' I Master d'reston NubIi or Alpine, been spending the week with his Bister, Bis-ter, Mrs. James M. Grant. |