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Show Big Pumping Plant To Double Capacity ('tali l,iiki lrri(,M(loii Coiiipiiio' Mill Add I'Jll .Second 1'cot lo il Pre.sciil Ciipiirltj and llrlntr .Hnny -More Acres I'lider Ciilthallnii. Plans arc being matured and work will be commenced in the nciir future fu-ture on additions to the big pumping pump-ing plant of the Utah I.nko Irrigation nnipany, located on I'tnh I.nko, ono mile south of Snrntogn Springs. The plans will call for extending the present pre-sent building sixty feet, endwise und the addition of six more pumps of 20 second feet cnpnclly each, nnd each of which will reiiulro 400 horsepower uf electric, current to operate. The new addition will gle the company ton more feet of pump room than has tho present plant, nnd will moan the addition of 120 ihore necond feet jf water In the canal, as compared .villi 90 reel, tho capacity cf the present pre-sent pumps. The new Improvements nail for two more 40 Inch wood stave pipe Hues leading from the pumping plant 2300 feet up to tho canal, which Is 100 feet nbovc the level or the Lake. To accomodate this increase supply it water tho canal will have to be enlarged, ns its present capacity Is but a llttlo more, than 100 second feet. In building the addition to the plant md enlarging tho canal, men who are taking water will be given prefer-ance. Hy Increasing tho capacity of the plant there will bo a reduction in the -08t of malntniuouco, to those using water this year, us the same crew smploycd at present enn take euro of the additional machinery nnd then, too, the more power consumed the chenper it comes. For this renBon 'he company reasons thnt water enn be elevated to tho 17i or 200 foot evel at u commercial profit, ns the inly additional cost over the 100 foot lift would be the additional and cheap-3r cheap-3r power consumed. 'Water for tho ilghor lift will probably bo taken out .'or the Irrigation year of 1910. According to Joseph Hrondheut who has had charge of tho distributing distribut-ing system, tho furmors are well tfrimod with tho year's results, both In Utah and Salt I.nko counties Thousands of acres of desert land. oro brought under cultivation foi .ho first time, and whoro the crops .vere gotten In early, bounteous yields nro being hnnestod. On ono tract of the Utah-Idaho Sugar company the lold of outs was over 75 bushels, and this wns on now land. On another met, near tho old sheep dipping lorral, the laud was so rich that the mts all wont to straw. Mr. Ilroad-bent Ilroad-bent thinks that the money making jrop will bo airnlfn, of which crop loverol farmers hnd tho hist yields In the county. |