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Show iff LEHI LOCALS MM Mrs. T. J. Whdsworth of Snntaquln, ak wns n I.ehl visitor early In the week. H Mr. Geo. 0. Webb hail n very sick MB baby tlila week, ll Is lmprolng. HE Mr, Robert Sharp left Thursday for WLWt Coalville, where he will tench school . V Mrs. Ellen Jones Is visiting friends I M In Bait Lnko City. In If you want the llnnner to do your I H Job Work the paper that boosts your IE Ion ii mil S. V. Hom. I H Ihuuc Hone and T. J. Powell of Ju- I HI ub, Hpent several days of tho past HK week visiting friends In I.ehl. H Austin and Hcta Gudmiindsoii or H Paysoti, were week end visitors In Hg T. It. Cutler, Jr., and Herbert Tay- B lor, with tlielr wives, an toed to the H Wizard's parade Friday evening. Wt Mis W. 10. Evuus spent part of the week visiting relatives In Hureku and W Arthur Webb or lllackfoot, Idaho, Ht iiindc it brief visit this week to his K I.ehl relations, Hk J. E. Cotter is taking a ten day's H vacation lustivntlng In tho Yellow U A tell pound baby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hardy U Thursday evening. Hf Mrs. I.ounrd Fniiicum of I.cvun, lb B spending Jen days visiting her pur- euts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb. Tho stork paid visit to the homo Hb or Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ilroomliead Mon- day, and left a fine baby boy. BY ' You will he (llsapitolnted if you do BBS' not got soinu or those bargains In yilppers mid Oxfords at People's BBl Mr. and Mrs. 8. I. Goodwin mid H daughter, Wanda, spent Frl. in Salt H Lake City, buying fall millinery, they Ff also attended the theatre, BjT Mrs. Jane Hendry, Mr. Allan Ilon- BBJ dry and Miss Vay Sperry of Salt l.ako I City, spent tho week with Mrs. Flor- B ence Horg. MM Mr, Samuel Cox returned home j3 Wednesday from- Soldier Summit, SJgB where ho has been working nil sum- fiSmt Mr. Wllmn Johnson was rendered tttwf unconscious last Tuesday whllo work- MB Ing a threshing machine and remnln- fBfjf cd so nbout three hours. Ho wni hit IfoS'S In tho head with a broken bolt. jjffl All tho kiddles, both children and RflJS grown tips, stop and look at our S school supplies. The moBt attractlvo KjS Hnloon window yet. Chlpinnu's Dig 1KB Hed Store, American Fork, Utah. G-lt f James Klrkhanii Sr passed his ju9f GGth mile stone last Friday evening. JBJMj Two score of Ills friends celebrated Hi tho event by tendering him a plea- OBH snnt surprise party. AjClP Mr. James Carter Is laid up with HHgib n broken foot. His threshing machine IfBJB rau over It Tuesday, breaking two MB bones. This is a inlsfortuno to Mr. ttffili Carter us ho is operating two thresh- Wf lug iiinchliics this fall. iffil! Glen Drown, n son of Jas, llrowu, llwS 'Ir" of Wnckfool, Idaho, spent tho Hb past week visiting with his grnnd- i III parents, Mr. anil Mrs. James Itrown, I HE How can tho Chlpmaii Mere, coin- I 1MB pany keep those baloons tlylug in the ml "Ir. Just stop and sen their school IBB supplies nud you can guess tho rest. MM The Ladies' Athenian club tuej. at IM the homo or Mrs. G. 1.. Stookey Wcd- Mj uesduy evening. It was decided to HJHi study European history by Anderson ) nud Heard. Mrs. J. M. Kirkluim and BBJ Mrs. S. I,. Wells wore appointed as H teachers, BBE Mrs. Mary Mnudsley this week en- H tertained Miss Edith llcrtlgalnl or tho HBBflBBf Salt Lake City Dressmaking School, HH of which Miss Maudsloy Is a g radii. MBjj ate, also Miss Mary Allen of Vlne- H yard, i classmate.' Mrs, Maudsloy M entertained In their honor at Sura- IH toga Monday, , others present being H Misses Vera Taylor, Mary Powell nud -W Eliza Phillips. HUB It's mighty satisfying to know when 9Hf you buy a bill of Lumber or Hulliliiig HjK Material or any kind, that you are nil getting tho very best for your iiiom). lBt and that's just what you alwny3 get amWa at People's Co-op, 5 It aBg" Tho S. S. club gavo a "Hard Times" )HM party In tho City Pavilion Tuesday yBBf' ovening? to n number of their friends,' ISn Tho ladies wore calico dresses and' I SH. refroslunontB woro sorved, Tluv party 1 M was uiilquo and highly successful, IjnM , J. W. Frank furnished tho vlctorola BfB for tho danco. Tho decorations were wip carried out In grccu and yellow, bol- f ijfi den rod and uutumii shrubbery. Punch j! antl nin'les were sorved. Miss Mnnch Willis wns n Salt Lako City visitor Monday. Miss May 1-ott went to Idaho Falls, last Saturday, to be gono two weeks. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Frunk are spending spend-ing the week in Salt Lake City. Mr. Gilbert Knudson mado n business busi-ness trip to Provo Monday. .Mr. Chnrles Felt or Salt Lake City, has been visiting his aunt, Mrs, Chorles Herron, this weelt. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cooley of Salt Lake City, are visiting Mr. Win. Trln-n Trln-n I man this week, Mr, Walter Strliigliiim or Mnntl, spent Monday visiting his niece, Mrs, .1. II. Giles. Mr, Davo Carson cuine to I.ehl Monday Mon-day to visit his family, returning to the Reservation Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Shaw entertained the II. II. club Monday evening nt u sowing sow-ing bee. MIbs Florence Turner of Heber, spent the week with her uncle, Mr. Den C. Lott. Friday night a social was given In the new West School House for the patrons of the Bchool, to discuss putting put-ting In new side walks. The last base ball game of the season sea-son between Lehl and American Fork Is scheduled for the City Park this afternoon. It should bo a good one. Miss Retn Fvaus has taken the agency in Lehl, to get enrollments In the International Institute, to Introduce In-troduce Progressive Domestic Fcon-ony, Fcon-ony, Miss Mary Fox was In charge of the Cash Store in American Fork last week, while Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. .Sou th worth made a business trip to Price. Mrs. Juno Henley and daughter of Alpine, Mrs. Mary Ann Winn nnd Mrs. Kiunia Holnudrako of American Fork, spent Sunday visiting Mr. nud Mrs. J, C. Cough. a W. It. Yntes, Geo. D. Gurff, J. S. Willis, Mrs. 13. W. Jones and Melvln Johnson wcro Interurban passengers to Snlt Lnko City Thursday nnd Friday. Mr. W. 1), Whalley returned to his home In Salt Lake City Saturday Mr. Gilbert Knudson lius been very HI this week and confined to his bed Miss Saddle Uroudbent wns in Salt Lake City Tuesday buying fall millinery. millin-ery. Mrs, Hnzel Holmstead entertained Friday evening .nt a chlckeliBiipper. Covers were laid for twelve." The Second ward Primary-held a picnic at tho Margret Wines Park Monday. " v Miss Mildred Crabb entertained six of her friends nt a wnicr, nicllon "bust" Tuesday evening. ' t, h Mrs. Abble Killngson nnd dnughter, Christie, spent Sundny visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hopkins, in American Fork. Charley Fox and children spout several sev-eral days the past week with Lehl relatives, returning to Snlt Lake City Thursday. ; ' Mrs. Peter Schovy, who luis been visiting for a mouth 'In Idaho, mid with her son, Warren, In Logan, returned re-turned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Knudson spent several days of tho past week'nttend-Ing week'nttend-Ing tho big Spanish Fork home coming com-ing festivities. Hiuuln's orchestra played hi' n dunce In ltivu'rton, Wednesday ovenlng, and ono at South Jordan Thursday evening, even-ing, both wcro largely attended. Miss Vera Knudson cntortnlned at i water motion "bust" Wednesday uvcnlug. About ten young, people wcro present. |