Show OEAL IN HECLA STOCK CLOSED C M Freed Buys Reynolds Holdings and Takes Man Management Management Management of Mine Yesterday morning the bulk of or J 1 II 31 1 Reynolds stock in the Hecla Hecha Mining company was purchased by C II 31 1 Freed the well known business man and mining operator A directors meeting was im immediately immediately mediately held and the resignation of Mr Reynolds as a manager was accepted and Mr 11 was chosen to suco suc d him The deal has been b en pending for lor nearly a month About that long ago Mr 11 Freed had the property examined by engineers of ot his own selecting While the purchaser was well vell satisfied with the report that had been made to him It was not until the return of ot his son Ion Lester fester D Freed the th vice president front the mines that the deal was formally closed and the stock transferred Ever Eer since the return r urn of President E I 11 Clark and Vice PresIdent t the property prop rt Sunday Sund lY last an effort has been made to get at t what was doing but those thoe officials would only admit that they the had ho been down to make an Inspection inse tion of ot tin the UI property pro rt and nd that they did not care to I say much about it There has been heen so much talk about I Hecla lately latel sad said Vice president Freed Freel during the t e afternoon tte noon that we have hac fen feR feRIt i It would be better not to say anything I about the th property or the deal either for tor that But it leaked out as such I things thing usually do We Ye do not claim any anything an anything thing sensational for the th Hecla Ht l as yet et hut but we do consider of course that we have haxe a good tood prospect In n the main vein in the upper tunnel we now nov have exposed a good twelve Inches of ot ore that average about 70 O per ton in gold old silver and lead This shoot is opened for tor twenty eight feet In length and looks good In Inthe Inthe the lower tunnel two shoots of ore have been opened and the samples indicate that it will average c about 60 a ton I 1 am not nota a miner and dont pretend to know much about a property after 1 t have Inspected one but the assays Indicate that we have havea a good thing in the Hecla ground How about the reported pool in Hecla stock Mr Freed was asked That Is something I would like hike to mention You may say that there is no pool in the stock tock and never nevel has been The issued stock has been ben pretty closely closel held by b friendly interests and there has hus been no o disposition to peddle It around but as far as a pool is concerned that report is absolutely without foundation |