Show WONT SUPPORT SPRY Must Clear Himself of Charge Made by Judge Howell J 1 IV V Nixon candidate for state audit auditor or on the Democratic ticket returned last night from Helper where he addressed an enthusiastic meeting on Tuesday Tuesa All of the local candidates of or that section were present and the meeting pledged Its unan unanimous unanImous unanimous support to the entire Democratic ticket Mr Ir Nixon left last night on a final tour of Millard county count He will speak at Kanosh Meadow Fillmore Holden and Scipio and will wi then return to his hl home in Emery Emen county in time to vote on Tuesday Mr lr Nixon has ha devoted his energies to other than his own county believing that his hi friends and neighbors there know him sufficiently well to en enable enable enable able him to depend absolutely absolute on their support On his way wa up from Helper yes yesterday yesterday yesterday Mr lr Nixon encountered one of the Republican precinct chairmen of Murray who stated state to him that unless William Viliam Spry could satisfactorily explain the charge of attempting to influence the Ills die district dietrict court made by The Herald and ab absolutely absolutely prove the falsity of the charge he would refuse to vote for Spry and would Knight cast cat his hi ballot balot for Jesse William Villiam At the Democratic rally raty addressed by L LR L LR R Martineau Tuesday night at Hunting Huntington ton the audience which was a large one was so enthusiastic that they the refused to disband before 2 At the close of his address Mr Martineau asked e r ethe the audience who did not intend t for Bryan Knight and the entire Jun en n cratic ticket to rise but not a single per person son soa position declared himself himsel in favor of the op opposition opposition |