Show TELEPHONE DIES DES Little Girl Has Leg Crushed Beneath Loaded Wagon Special to The Tue Herald Herld Kaysville Kasie Oct 27 Miss Mis Violet Smith daughter of or Mr fr and Mrs William E ESmith ESmith ESmith Smith of Kaysville Ka died early this morn mornIng mornIng morning Ing of typhoid fever from tram which she has hasben ben been suffering for the past pat month She was 3 20 years of age She had been em employed employed In the local exchange of the Bell Bel Telephone until the time of her illness iness Funeral will wi be b held Saturday noon at the Kaysville KasIe meeting meting house houseA An daughter of Mr Ir and Mrs nr Frank A Barton of Syracuse fell fel beneath a wagon loaded with wih beets crushing her leg to such an extent that it I Is feared that amputation will wi be necessary The child Is II being attended by b Dr Whitlock at the theLton Layton hospital |