Show w Is 7 S SALT ST LAKE L 1 TUESDAY OCTOBER 16 1900 Utah Coal Castle Gate Sunny Side and Clear Creek lump 00 per ton Winter VInter Quarters lumP lumo and all nut coal per ver ton Anthracite all sizes per ton D J SHARP 73 South Main street Telephone case Utah Commercial and Savings Bank General banking business interest paid on savings deposits W F Arm Armstrong Armstrong strong president J T E B Caine cashier i Dr J S Sharp Office Main street the Vendome office and residence Telephone DANCING The first of the Wednesday night so socials socials dais will be given at Christen ens on Oct OcL 17 Enlarged orchestra None but those holding tickets will be admitted Co i Drunkenness A safe saCe and permanent cure for Cor drunk drunkenness drunkenness enness and drug addictions Address Keeley Institute First North and West Temple st 51 or Box Salt Lake Utah METEOROLOGICAL REPORT Yesterdays Record at t the Local Of Office Office fice flee of the t e Weather Bureau Bure u Maximum temperature OS GS degrees min rain minimum minImum temperature 46 degrees mean tem tern temperature temperature 57 degrees which is 5 S degrees above aboe the normal accumulated excess ol of temperature since the first of month 3 34 I degrees accumulated excess of o tempera temperature ture since Jan 1 1707 degrees Total Tota pre precipitation precipitation from 6 p m rr U to 6 p m rn none accumulated deficiency of precipitation 1 since first of month 32 inch accumulated I deficiency of precipitation since Jan 1 I inches SALT LAKE LAWE NEW HOTEL THE KENYON Advertises itself as as a high class dass hotel of merit and Don Porter sees to t tit it that the hotel is 15 as good gool in every ever particular as advertised a rule that thai L will apply to the hotel business with I special force G Dr E M 11 Keysor method d jf Of f filling I teeth is painless Main street Auer Auerbach Auerbach Auerbach bach building ca If Dr Will L r Ellerbeck Dr Louis E Arnold ArnoldL Dentists 2135 Hooper 23 Elst So Soo L o The Black Dress Goods Sole Sale Begins Beins today to 50 a yard met O Ou I Guaranteed u a black blach bla taffetas tf Ct silks 1 SOci a ar t 1 Si The Black Dress Goods Sale Begins Beins today Up to 50 a u yard met Guaranteed black taffeta silks a I I yard AT WALKERS W AKERS r PERSONAL PERON L LE E O 0 OLSEN TAILOR 3 Main si i SUITS 2000 20 up TROUSERS 0 up Fine line Une samples to select from from Clean CleanIng Cle Cleaning Ing and ad repairing UPHOLSTERING G work called caled for and delivered MATTRESS UA RENOVATING C Hansen Hanson 15 E Z d So EASY SHOES Our custom made Leath Leather er and shoemakers supplies Mall Mal orders filled tied N C 59 5 V Y 1st So SoAN SoA AN A ELEGANT line lne of 2000 o C W Huhl 55 5 W V 1st 1st So street LADIES LAIS TAILOR MADE lE SUITS from elegant samples 1200 0 to 1500 50 less than store prices John Bergen 1 15 W tv 1st ao So ACCORDION pleating samples In our windows W Sc a yard rard and up Deseret e Dye Works S W r V Temple l Phone 3 i HAIRDRESSING Manicuring 1030 1020 10 to 6 p m rn not open Fridays CS 6 Hooper blk bik SHOES FOR DEFORMED FEET EE Only practical shoemaker for or 01 deformities John L corner First Firt South and Main Notice to the Afflicted Acted Remember that It I Is at the MacNamara School of Healing that cures cure are made mad daily dally without swallowing drugs or blood bloodletting letting that this te ic iO strictly the only in mn institute In the state where here Magnetic Heal Healing ing Psychology Hygiene and are under the authority of the thc state of and nd the only one o e that car can cn issue diplomas to Its it students 77 7 and 79 11 TV Y V South Temple St st opposite the Taber Tabernacle Tabernacle Tabernacle nacle on the south side Remember that tha that out this t Institute is i here to tay Cut this out REMAIN NOT In darkness but seeke seelye ye e the light and knowledge and learn what the mysterious future holds forth for you ou Like a bright meteor flashing fashing across the darkened sky this thi brilliant little medium from across the ocean falls fals In your our midst to dispel the heavy gloom and bitter woe from the thousands of blighted hearts Madame M Grant the Swedish medium is in Salt Lake for a time and is located at South Main Iain street where here she can be consulted on all al affairs of life business sickness divorce divore pending pension claims hidden treasures lost absent and deceased friends or anything an thing you OU may ma be in hI trou trouble tee ble or doubt of P S Remember Madame Grant Is notto notto to be classed cassed with wih card readers or for fortune fortune fortune tune tellers but depends on her clairvoyant ant sight and spiritual trance medium ship Her hours are from 10 a m till L 9 p m You or perhaps cannot diagnose a disease paint a great picture act as a great geat actor orator or musician Because you can none of these things thing dont doat prove the cannot be done You may be bean an in your ur line lne of ot work yet et know kow nothing of other lines You have nomore more reason to condemn my m work others have to condemn yours OUI None anso so 50 perfect none so wise but what we learn something new No Xo practical per person person person son transference will doubt the possibility of 27 South Main ain street street FOR fR RENT LARGE PLEASANT PLEAT front rooms good gobi goodboard board gas gs steam heat 13 North Norh Main MainA Main MainA A NICELY FURNISHED FU Groom house houseal all al modern modem Improvements Improvement S East Eat brick bric house houe bath barn ban Six miles mies out of city Apply Jos A Sliver Silver Silver lver ilver Bros BrosA A GOOD barn close In Cheap Apply 58 55 5 So East 10 1 ACRES LAND L northwest of it 1500 1 yards ars across ros Jordan Jordn river rier ryer Apply 10 it C c Bonetti Bonett S 8 E 1st So t all aU kinds prices and boa loca I Ito to 1 ute Bros 11 Main street HELP AIT AiD SITUATIONS WANT WANTED W WANTED AT ATE ED E WL BE ACCEPTED IN THESE COLUMNS FREE FR OF CHARGE BRACH OF CS FOR FOE OF OP WAT WANT PHARMACY Fifth South and State street t i HAZEL HEL DRUG st of West First South and ad PHARMACY corner Third South Souta and Fifth Eat East E t FOULGER BROS CO 68 K street streetS First S B South SouthA SouthA COULAM Eighth East Est and aId A A J J DAVIS DAVS CO C corner Seventh South and amI Seventh East EasL EL WAD FOUR FOU FUR SED rooms for light housekeeping must be close In Address 13 97 91 9 Herald HeraldA Herd cose A ALL ALL LL KINDS KIN S of mining m Wn machinery m er and nd tools at the Acme Machinery MachIner Co CoSo lUIg 27 So TV Vt V Temple N t p COLLECTS COLLECT every everywhere where Utah Utah Collection ole ton Agency Agency 10 Q 0 Eagle block A A D safe Paci Pacific tic fic fc Lumber Co ra TV W VS So Sd temple LADY to take t ke charge carge of city department d arment of a business Address B 00 o care Herald Herld CARPENTERING PLASTERING and painting for merchandise merch 54 s TV W 1st o S S rom 2 UNCLE SAM SA I loans loan money on diamonds watches Jewelry instruments clothing etc etc at half Interest inter Great bargains barins In unredeemed overcoats Overcoat st clothing and Watches 26 2 E 1st South SECONDHAND GOODS M Webber I 6 State street TO BUY BU all aU the tl secondhand se furniture stoYe and c Garnets for sale tn n city Get our price before selling I X L 1 48 45 East Second South o t street W and nd SECONDHAND goods bought hought sold and exchanged ned Bargains Barns every ever day dy O 0 K SecondHand Sec Co 78 E 27 South SOUt W EIGHT stonecutters and masons Idaho and Montana jobs Mata Main Malt street basement WOMAN to sew In tailor shop Hall H l tailor 12 E 1st So SoA SoA Soi i A COOK COOK and a a nurse urs girl at 1 T St S1 rOMA to do washing Enquire South Ninth East EastA A MAN for dairy work and ad Robert Amos Aos Ninth North and ld Twelfth West GIRL IRL FOR light housework no wash washing ing nor not no RiG Second st at stA atA A GOOD NURSE GIRL GIL Apply 17 A it st itA atA A BLACKSMITH at once once Apply 73 Market street I GOOD SEWING SE ING GIRL GIR Salt Lake Fur Pur FurCo Co 70 jQ East East d South South I CHAMBERMAID at St Elmo hotel this morning I GIRL ATTENDING High school may mayI I find tind a place to to work for board by b apply appl applying applying ing at it once to 1 TV W North Temple I GIRL FR FOR F R general ge in family of three adults er Wages p 5 per Week week 1105 1103 j I East Bast Second South Sut age sj 5 i t L tI LLADY I LADY LADY AGENTS AGE TS at once MrsHall MI rs Hal Hall 29 21 I South Fourth East I 1 RAILROAD D newsagents ne Apply Bark Barkalow alow Bros West Vest First First South Sout SoutI TWO TO GOOD pants makers akers at t once Wal Wallace Wallace Wallace I lace Co ISO Main street GIRL GIL for for general gen l housework housework and cook cooking coo lug ing Apply GO 60 E Brigham GIRL for general generl house work work Apply 16 A A A street streetS SALT S L LAKE Employment Em Agency 65 S SW W TV Second South So th phone hone 62 Help of ot all aU kinds promptly A reliable medium between n employer er and employee I Place wants want w wIh with us GIRL for fo general ge housework hOUSE ork no wash wa h hIn I In In Apply App 24 4 TV W W 14 So SoA SoA A GOOD GO D GIRL GIRL 43 S East EastA East r First A PANTRY ApARY South GIRL GHIL GIat 0 at once at 16 East Easl S SEmI Employment EmI oen Agency Successor sor to t the Herkelrath Co CoC CoC CoC C R H R All Al kinds of help help promptly supplied loi i l South Main Basement TeL FOR SALE J MODERN 1 O ER rooming mi house hous of 12 32 rooms doing good business J L L 78 7 W TV I So St StI I FINE TEAM of young mules Good God size sin I and perfectly sound Can Uan be bc I seen sen at El ElF Elgin F I Kin gin Creamery Creamer 27 State at t 10 a a in 1 f ALL KINDS of mining machinery gas gasoline gasoline I oline oUne engines electric l machinery wagon 1 scales platform scales anything you yoi I want 40 per cent cert saved Acme Mining p Machinery Co 39 So TV V Temple I CIGAR IGAR AND CANDY Y stand good loca boa I F lion tion lon rent 1600 60 month month 61 6 East d South SouthALL I ALL KINDS OF sewing t I I machines in perfect repair from 5 up I Wiles VUe Johnson Ut 1 East First South st sl SEVERAL hundred yearling rams i rjames Jam imes Winter TV W r North Nort street streett t 2000 2020 2 TONS TN HAY at Sr per pert ton ton Ad Jos Myar Ier Logan Logn Utah I headquarters under I j Bro Bros bank ban bank C C W TV Mgr I I PEACH APPLE and other fruit boxes boxe for South sale Bailey Sons 63 5 East Second Secom I 1500 15 and heating g stoves for half hal price I X L 43 45 S East Sec Second end ond ard South street P A Sorensen TYPEWRITER and office supplies blank hooks books Margetts Bros 40 Malt Main Phone 3 1 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS FURNISHED F R RED ROOM with bath for r gentleman close In references A 35 36 Herald Herld FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM at 13 E B E bat 1st So Sc AUCTION SALES SALE 1000 10 BASE BAE BURNERS and heating g stoves es at half price I X X L Furniture e and Carpet Cret Installment House No 13 3 E Second South street street P A A Sorensen I BEFORE THE arrival arval of six carloads carload of new furniture now In transit I offer offe offen ofer to sell sel at prices and terms to suit sulU alt all al Iron ire n beds Rattan and fancy fanc rockers all a 11 lounges couches and parlor goods nail as 11 trees base burners burer gasoline oil 01 and an I heating stoves almost ghea away awa Thosa Tho here first will get the pick jf f a choloa chok chol stock stock Offer to go for tor a few tew days da s only I T TX X X 3 L L Furniture and Carpet Caret Installment ct t House South street P A A Sorensen 48 East Second Sev Send id CLEANING AND AD DYEING LADIES LIES JACKETS JAC S dry cleaned ean d up UD Gents Cents overcoats cleaned and pres pta pressed pressed sed S up Des Deret ret Dye Works Work 1 9 So West Wes Temple UTAH UT Stream Stam Dyeing Dye nb and n Cleaning Clen Co Cc 57 5 7 Richards St work wok mode moderate ate t prices No N N Nl r 1 l FOR FOt RENT FURNISHED THREE THEE ROOMS furnished fun for light St housekeeping bouse 14 North Main M street j BOARD AND ROOMS sot v p v J THE NORMANDY T 22 n East Third South South Newly furnished d t i Lj 2 Baths th Steam i i ii heat e European Europe n plan plan i CICELY ICEL FURNISHED rooms TOm with WI th d 1 3 N Mig Main l h street FOR SAtRE ESTATE EAT coz COZY HOME CLOSE IN ONLY 00 So E E and ad four rooms roms Cottage and good gd lot lot E Side 1350 3 A neat home and choice lot E B S 1500 coice Close In house lot and ad barn 5 lot I 3 shade d etc a snap 2500 r brick i Cl close S In only 0 5 I E B 1st South brick brck modern hot water heat large barge lare barn bar lot 30 10 Five new bricks C bath b electric c lights choice locatIons 1 iO each at hf t A No 1 modern modem brick on the East ten rooms also barn bar corner lot lot G Choice building lots In jn all parts of the Loans Loan for building al f McGurrin Co Ce 39 TV W V d South Sou Tuttle Bros 19 So Main st at down and 15 0 per mo no Interest for 8 yrs pays for a 51 bk bIt bk cot In S fa E Good repair lawn etc etc flowing f I well welli t i 2560 2500 will m buy 2 ft on E st str E close in fine shade trees worth today i r 0 this Is i a bargain for fa cash on cor ocr K St ch We Ye sell seU bargains barans It i will wi pay 5 you Y to talk ta with wit us before buying t Tuttle Bros ros Progress Building W WA still sell sel a An A modern modem stor residence residence In good repairs lot rods repair large lare barn ba street front rods corner 20 and K streets tree I In Waterloo well wel built bult cottage flowing 1600 6 well eU Iron fence fen e lawn and ad cotte shade A A RICHTER Home Investment Co 6 8 S RICHTER 10 West Vest 1st South Sout WE SELL real estate all Tuttle al Bros 19 Main street Red ball ban signs sig ALL KINDS all aft a parts par of the city Houston Houston Real Estate Inv Co 21 Main Main 4 F SITUATIONS WANTED DELTER of some kind wanted anted 41 5 5 er ei month horse and wagon furnished Good experience In taking g orders e e ally b in itt iX grocery notions ge etc e All All h kinds f d do ot o 0 t upholstering work work Good buyer buer speaks three e languages Address Herald Herld B 91 91 BY LY Y YOUNG lady position as and typewriter one in law office prel erred Address letter leter box box 6 city cly BY hotel cook and wife best OT of 01 reference given small smal town t wie pre Address H Y A A 30 3 S tat 1st West st at st Salt Sail Sal Lake Laite City ENGL ENGI EER ER with wih good references de desires desires I aid ald sires s sItuation sit lUon Address B 98 OS 9 care Her Herald HerBY BY A TV ELL educated joung lady position position tion ton as or to t assist in dressmaking B R lC Her Jd JdA od odA A MAN lL desires a position as salesman saleman It l city cy or on the road best references tan can n sell sel or introduce anything Address S B liti Herald Herd to work for board by young mar man man dl irus of or attending school Address Addres B 99 iare eare ere Herald NURSE or to an invalid or ladys lady also alo gove ess by th the day to child chUd references given Address A dress B A A Herald RESPECTABLE work ork of any an kind Herald wanted by a 16 16 Address Adres B Y BO WANTS ATS I pl j ce to work for his board while attending school Enquire I 20 W TV South TempLe TEp A YOUNG MAN lI t soler soher good character would like Ike position ts ls is man of all al work Would be satisfied wih with small salary Ad Addre smal I dress B Herd TO DO SEWING and dressmaking will work at houses Address Ad dress S A A Jones Jone 36 I South So t Sixth West I YOUNG titan man mn 21 like to assist in or do chores In payment or part payment p for attending school schoolA A good rapid penman and nd has no bad habits habIt Address Addre B s 7 Herald BY YOUNG MAN fAN attending university to work evenings and Satur Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays days for board and room references B 51 Herald Herld POSITION in com cnn house hOUe or grocery Six Si years year experience Best of ref reL given Addres Add B |