Show SPLENDID I OVATION FOR i BRYAN hi AT HANNAS HOME Cleveland Gives Him Greatest Reception of the Cam Cani C m I Also Has Warm Greeting Gr eting Large and l Enthusiastic Crowds at Other Ohio Cities Mon Monnett nett a Trust Object Lesson Cleveland 0 O Oct 15 The recep reception reception reception tion tendered to Mr r Bryan tonight in inthis inthis inthis this Hannas Hanna s town was the most brilliant he has received on his entire tour The Central armory armon holding many thousands of people where he made the first speech of the evening was IDled filled to the point I of suffocation and Bond street a broad thoroughfare leading from the Hollenden hotel and along which Mr Bryan Bran was to pass to reach the armory was so densely crowded with people that it was difficult difficult I cult to get through the mass Mr Bryan Br an arrived at the armory at and when he entered the hall a 3 avast avast vast throng of people in the building rose rose as one man to greet him waving hats bats and handkerchiefs r The demonstration n continued for sev several se seera several eral era minutes and when Mr Bryan Bryin arose to resent cresent I Mayor Jones of To Toledo Tol ledo l do who was was first to address the th aud audience audIence audience the demonstration was renewed While bile Mr Bryan was vas making this th s preliminary presentation it became necessary for him to ask a hundred or more Democrats on the stage to sit down They all knelt on the floor whereupon Mr Bryan remarked that Satan trembles when he sees so many Democrats on their knees The re remark remark remark mark was greeted with laughter Mayor Jones received a compliment complimentary ary welcome He said that he was in inthe inthe inthe the campaign because he was against the war in i the Philippines and against the enlargement of the standing armyl army He was not there as a a partisan but butas butas butas as a of the fundamental principles of human liberty Mr Bryan mounted a chair when he began to talk a few minutes past 8 He began by saying that the II Issues which are represented in this campaign enter the home and affect the lives of all U our DooDle Prayers to Hanna Referring to the financial legislation of the last session of congress con ess Mr Bryan said sad there were many little congressmen who knelt regularly every morning and prayed to o Senator s Hanna to give us this day our daily opinion The remark was greeted with laughter a and said cheers cheirs ch rs Mr Bryan again outlined ou n his argument ir ment meat in support of an income tax ta andT ami an anthen then took up the question of trusts He compared the trusts to leeches lee hes and said they were all drawing blood froth from fr ni nithe the American people expressing the opinion that it was about time to do something for the leech habit When after making quotations from President McKinley and Governor Roosevelt Mr Bryan Brjan jokingly referred to Senator Hanna as the head of the Republican party par he was again cheered He Be denied that the United States had any title to the Philippines that ac accords accord accords cords cord with the Declaration of Independence ence and he again explained his rea reasons reasons reasons sons for assisting in securing the rati raIl ratification ratification of the peace treaty He ex exclaimed exclaimed exclaimed claimed Republicans arent you ashamed of yourselves If your president had to depend upon his defeated rival to se secure secure secure cure the ratification of this treaty you ou ought to commend instead of condemn me The point called one of the most pronounced demonstrations of the meeting Mr Bryan spoke for an hour and ten minutes and the dense crowd held its footing to the end While Mr Bryan was sneaking at atthe atthe atthe the Central Cent l armory thousands of peo people people pie who were unable to gain admission to the e building gathered around the Hollenden hotel from the balcony of which addresses were delivered by ex e Attorney General Genera Monnett lonnett Mayor Jones of Toledo Tom Johnson and others At p m rn Mr Bryan having con concluded concluded concluded his speech sp ch at Central armory armon appeared on the Hollenden hotel bal bid balcony balcony cony where he was introduced d by Mr Johnson The presidential candidate was greeted here by tremendous cheer in which continued for several min minutes minutes mm utes He spoke briefly discussing im imperialism imperialism imperialism and trusts Probably 2000 persons were packed together in the immediate vicinity of the hotel in the evening Mr Bryan left tonight at 1030 for New York His special car the Ram Ham Rambler bIer bler was wa w attached to a regular train on the Lake Shore to arrive in New NewYork NewYork NewYork York at tomorrow after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon The train will only make the regular stops on the way and it is not Mr Bryans present purpose to make any speeches en route Speaks at Canton Mr Mn Bryan Bran today oday invaded the heart of ot President and Senator Han Hannas Hannas Hannas nas country countr Leaving Akron Akren early in the morning his first stop was at Can ton the presidents place of residence and later in the day he made a brief speech at Niles the presidents native nathe I city The stops at Canton and Niles Nibs were t Incidental and the crowds were small sm ll at both places A stop of fifteen minutes was made at Niles Mr Biven n did not leave the train ram at tha IK iw but ut reviewed the issues of th ca ea n a in a a very brief manner to a corn CO II ively small num ber of people who had congregated at the railroad station Before entering upon his speech ch proper he referred to the fact that the place was intimately associated with the career of his dis die distinguished distinguished rival for presidential hon hen honors honors C Cors ors saying I 1 understand and that this is the birth birthplace birthplace place of the president of the United States You have the honor new DO of ot being In the birthplace of the proM dent whether he holds one term or two He cannot be born again and give you another chance You had all you OU can a have out of it J Mr Bryan spoke twice In Youngs Youngstown Youngstown town In the one important respect of attracting many people to see the na national national candidate the meeting was an r unsurpassed triumph in the other re respect respect respect of giving hing the people an opportunity opportunity to hear him it was a failure and the success one way was the cause cau e of the failure the other People had been coming into the city from Ohio I and Pennsylvania all day da so that when Mr Bryan Broan arrived at 42 in the after afternoon afternoon noon all the principal streets were crowded and the square around the speakers stand possibly feet on each side was densely d packed p with ith people struggling to get near the plat platform platform form and to secure a glimpse of or the lion of the ocean There was no effort to create trouble troubie but the natural hum hunt of thousands of voices and the struggle gle gIe for place was such as to almost de do destroy destroy stroy the effect of the speech The Thoa stand provided with accommodations to seat sixty persons held 4 stag staf staging ing fig The arms areas of newspaper men ea on oa the stand were pinioned so close clo e that t I they could not nee raise rains them to write a sd aad d those who were twenty feet away Id not hear the speech Mr Bryan himself f had scarcely more rosin room than Was as s 5 necessary ne for him to stand erect ere ere t and anda f fa a squad of policemen was necessary to f preserve the space for him Those who were able to hear received the speech with frequent bursts of ap applause applause applause and this was often taken up by others far away way a from the range of the speakers voice so that it may my be e said that the meeting was enthusiastic even though most of those present failed to hear what was said After the outdoor meeting at Youngs Youngstown Youngstown Youngstown town closed Mr Bryan was escorted F to the opera house where he spoke to toas toas toas as many people most of them women as could find accommodation of that building r rHe Addresses the Women t t He referred to the presence of so fi I Iman man many ladies and addressing himself r to them said saidI 1 I am glad giad to talk to an audience I composed so largely of women WOlDen for eec certainly certainly in this contest the woman is as tf much interested as the man Is not the mother interested in her son Is not the mother interested in making aking m life worth something for her son I wish that every mother in this land could i study the trust question and learn her f own 01 connection with it She finds find out l labout about it when hn she goes to buy sugar and other articles controlled by the trusts and is told that the trusts have raised the prices But to my mind that thatis is the least objection to the trust If the trusts raise prices pr ces we can simply buy bu less but when a trust monopolizes monopolises an industry and closes the door of op opportunity opportunity opportunity against the young man and attempts to condemn a a man to per perpetual perpetual perpetual clerkship under monopoly and to servitude under a great monopoly then monopoly strikes a severer blow I than it does through the prices that it extorts C Mothers what would you rou have bave your sons do Would you OU have your boys 1 go SO on to the farm Why you jou know knew the i 1 farmer larmer takes more chances than any 0 I Iother other man and has less influence in inthe Inthe inthe the government at least 1 he be is less ls considered by those who govern Are you ou going to have hae your boy go among the laboring men and hav have but one am and that to have a full dinner pall pail and only to have that when he the trust will let him have it I Are Ar you willing tiling v to let your sort son son go the an Joal oal region and take his chances hanCe at less than a a dollar dolar a day da with wll powder at a n keg Are Ae you d to have your boy go there Do you Jou want wt him to go into a store Dont you know that the te tryst is hem hemming e ming ining the storekeeper about Dont you OU know now that tha the tha trust is shortening credit That t it is la I laying ing on the re retailer tailor all al the chances of business Dont you know that the te trust today is In f the merchant to agree agre not notto notto to cell fU any but tn tnt trw lade goods Would you haT ur r boy gr go P into a bIr factory factor who tomorrow the trust 4 may nay come tome and ad bankrupt him Would you ou have your boy poy have stock in a trust that tb t the JOY big stockholders will freeze freze out before the year year is over What Vt will U you Jou have your our boy do Will VU you have him become a lawyer Why Wy the law lv business is gravitating toward Joward the offices of the large corpora corporation corporation tion ton attorneys and the other lawyers ar ar clerks in I their th Ir offices What do v you want your boy to do Is it I not nat natte time te that you were thinking Is I Isit it not time yeu were using your our own influence Influence ence to take this government back and place it on its old foundation and make It 1 again a a free government of the peo people people pie by the people and for the people in which the humblest citizen may aspire to the te highest reward in the tie political work Is It I not time that tat you mothers were w re thinking and ad if an econ economic economic question cannot arouse you is it not time Um that you were cre studying the time theary army ary Question Mr rr fr Bryan Bran then took up the ques question tiong Uon pertaining to the increase o of the theary army ary and territory the te acquisition a of Pacific The he women omen applauded the speech iree freel Cheered at Canton Caton vAt rAt t Canton a 1 goodly godly crowd was s at the station J to meet noot Mr l l Bryan He was re received received with cheers g r and made a I e n soh He sold said sd You ore iro nr so 0 accustomed a here to seeing presidential candidates that another can cn is in no n curiosity I suppose some of you In 1 voted for your homo boom candidate as a n a matter of ot local loal pride but now you youcan can xin say S that Canton IB is l the tho to home of a aff ff president and if tho t election goes our way wa it gt be tete the e ete homo home g of f an dept dont det because that tha title tto ox is one of those permanent titles that loses logos a man never neer If ny ono insists Insist that hat a president de Ic norv t second term tem you con can c reply that ono one OlO term term is enough if 1 a president do dos s swall wall weil and too much where he ho does dos not do dowell dowel dowell well wel You have hero In your city a can cannon c cannon non I believe that at was wa presented to o you youa as ne a a trophy of ot the war wr It I was wa a n custom In fri earlier orle days for cannon tannon to bear mottoes and your yur cannon has hf inscribed upon It Wars Mars Ultima Ultimo rato which means meas that war is the tho last reum reason of ot kings Charles Sumner in his oration orton on the true tre character charte of nations delivered at ot Boston July uly 4 ISM S referred to o this motto mot and salt said Sd Lot Let It bo be no reason of this re republic republic public r I hope hop that you yu will wl not merely from tho the possession of o that cannon be 1 ld kd d to cannon believe that war tr is a thing to bo desired It ought to bo be further away from a ro re republic public oven even oe than from a be because because cause causo in a monarchy tho the government rests upon forgo force and has frequent e o to resort o to Clo force A king is In not t always re restrained r restrained strained by those toe considerations which would restrain the thu u of a republic I la 1 i a country c r nl like this tt where eo justice j rl Is the tho r rule between this I government r and other e governments c i as well weft as cT between n the thc people there ought to be b less necessity for Zor or war wa In fact fat I believe beleve that th if I this nation naton will wil stand upon its it rights and be bo boas beas beas as careful ocul to respect the rights of other people as a it is to t defend its own there thoro would be bo little use for war If this nation I will obey obe the tho commandment Thou hou not steal ste It I will wil have little difficulty in enforcing that commandment in those thos planes places plO where this nation naton is in a protector The American Idea Ide of a a protectorate is different from tho the European Europen idea Ide Un Unu der a European 1 the protectorate probe protector tor plunders u the tho protected According rE ef to our theory the protector has ha to give tho the thoo strength r of the protector o to its ward without o making the tg ward the t victim t of tho the protector and ad so 50 we believe in the far fa away Philippines that this thi nation naton can be b a a protector prat to as it has been In the South American republics and without governing tho the people ourselves we wo can cn say S to the world Hands off of and amI let that republic livo and an work out its it own O destiny eln Republicans Ape Europe That Is IB our theory theor and ad we wo feel that tat It IB Is a a fact that the lican party p ty has planted itself upon the to doctrine that you ou must own owna u a u country countr in order to be or of service to It I at nt the tha saran same time that it I plants plant itself upon the European colonial idea Ide You will wil probably find in your town a few v people P who will viIi lt support g t Yr tYr the Republican ie bf vil il idea of the Ce colonial g l nl policy l r but il I suggest sg e that when you find a Republican p n that Is will willing f ing lug to support the colonial Idea you ask ak hint him to show his sincerity by sending a aI petition to the president asking akIng him to tu ot e |