Show MARINES FOR MANILA NIA Force in i the te Philippines Is I to t Be In Increased I Increased creased Herald New York York Oct Oct 15 A special to the te from Washington on says Secretary Long has ha decided not to order orders home any of the marines marinen now w in inthe inthe the Philippines Instead if more ma marines ma marine rines rine should be available they tey will wi be besent besent besent sent to Manila Manla Reinforcements ReInforcement are arene necessary ne essar because of the contemplated reduction of General Gener MacArthurs corn com command cm mand mend by the withdrawal of the te volun volunteers tears tees The war department dearment has practically determined to adopt General Generl Davis recommendation and reduce the mill mili military tary ta force in Porto Rico Ric The troops will vill wi be brought to the United States State and then sent to Manila Eight com corn companies companie panie of the Tenth infantry it is be believed believed can be spared from the island and these will wil make a welcome addition additon to General nerl MacArthurs command |