Show OLD TIMERS IN INGAM GAME GAM ONCE MORE Former Football Stars Line Up Against U of U on Cum Cummings Cummings Cummings Field Fjeld I IThe The old timers men who wh have made their reputations on the gridiron will go up against the strong Utah aggregation in a game of football on field this afternoon at 3 It will be one of the most novel games ever played In Inthe Inthe inthe the state as the champions will win meet per perhaps perhaps haps the best aggregation of ot players who have ever fer gathered on a n local gridiron While H It is true the old timers will not be in as good physical condition as liS Mad Maddocks Maddocks Iad docks huskies yet they are men who are experts at the game and know all alt the tricks of modern football The game is isa Isa isa a benefit for the Utah division of the Amateur Athletic Union and It was only under these conditions that the players consented to again a aln chase the pigskin around the gridiron Where Mayors Come In rho committee In charge has decided to ask Mayor Ma or Bransford to kick off oft the ball baU Dr Plummer president of 01 the Utah di division division division vision of 01 the A A AU U and a candidate for mayor maor on he Republican ticket will vill be asked to escort Mayor Bransford to the center of the field to kick the ball while former Mayor layor Morris candidate for mayor maor on the Democratic ticket will be asked to blow the whistle for the kickoff One Ont of the features of the game wilt will be bethe bethe bethe the playing of Joe Maddock against his own team This will be the chance of a lifetime for several members of the U team tt am to show their coach they the know the game Every time Joe Is knocked down by one of his own men Maddock will probably remember that the player Is there with the goods Should several ot of the players desire to show the coach at atthe atthe atthe the same time Ume that they are gamesters In Inthe Inthe Inthe the hitting the line habit and direct their efforts against the coach Joe may be sorry he helped frame up the me against them The have been practicing for fora a week and claim they have plenty plent of plays down fine They The are also confident of winning and if It they the do not they will give the U team a hard struggle Old Stars Who Will Play The varsity lineup will be the regular team while the old timers have a num her ber of substitutes The team will be made up of the following players Left end I Harker U of U t Tarpey Stanford Coach O of Salt Lake High school Left LeH tackle Ray Eay Ra U of U Clark U of Ohio Left guard Coach Badenoch B Y T C Center Hoffman Ames Ame Cunningham Omaha High HI h Right guard Coach Tobin of All Au Hallows Loft Lett tackle Coach B Y 1 V t L Left end Lieutenant Lle tenant West est Point Christensen U of Boulder Quarter Pitt PI t U LT of U Bassett National Guards Left Let half haIr Physical di dl rector Brown of Y M C A Slocum Denver U Right ru ht half Coach Walker alker of Logan Lo m A C Lundgren U of Columbia Fullback Coach Maddock U of U |