Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James McCarroll and aud wIfe to DavId McKenzie and wile wife rods In the southwest corner ot of lot 2 block I 1 plat A with all but sUbject to 1901 1001 ta taxes es 2500 Emily Ford Gant and husband to L LV Lv V Snow rods lQ i the southeast corner Comer ot of lot 4 block 35 plat DInt A wIth a rods rl right ht ot of wa way to street Phebe A Snow to Emily I Gant do rods In the northeast of lot 6 block 3 plat phat A 2850 2350 John A Groesbeck jr and wife to John Weir jr feet in the northwest corner ot of lot 12 block 1 plat I with right of way subject to taxes and a rI right ht ot of wa way on the south end Abel S Wood ot of Kenka Park N NY NY Y to Nellie NelUe S Frobes lots 26 G and 26 bock 2 Perkins addItion a subdivision ot of lots 2 3 block blockS S l 16 platA pint A subject to 1901 taxes Henry B Elder and wire wife to Robert RobertT T Booth lot 23 t block 2 Franlin subdivision ot of block 46 plat 6 Fritsch Investment company to Jo JosephIne Josephine Sullivan Pierson south halt half haltof of lot 15 5 all ot of lot 16 north halt half ot of lot Jot IT 11 blo block k 2 2 KensIngton sub subject subject to lOOt 1001 taxes 00 Eliza D Carson to Ella S Sears lots U 31 and S block 2 Norwood Place addition a sU subdivision of lots 3 4 I and 5 block 16 plat A with aU all appurtenances 5 Seth Talbot to Joseph Field lots lop 26 t and V 27 block 2 Don Donnelly nelly nelty subdivision 2040 MH M H Walker and wIfe to Henry part of tot lot 7 block 21 plat 1 B Q e eWilliam William Fairbourne and an wife to So Sor r n a niece ot of land In section 17 7 township 3 south of oC range I east 1200 |