Show JESSE R B GRANT FOR JUDGE PARKER General U S Grants Youngest Son Gives His Bis Reasons One Ozie of Judge Parkers most ardent sup pOrters Is J sc R H Grant the youngest sort son of the th late General Grant who was elected twice ico to the presidency Mr Grant i iwas was a rec recent nt visitor to Esopus where he be I took luncheon wIth JUdge Parker and I returned to New York with him In LIO evening gh n a of f New York for a COUPle or of years and a voter Fere Mr i Grant has ha not teen ten In the public eye ee on as much as might be expected ot of one of his j He devoted Is to Ills his that ot of a 1 mining engineer and the greater i part of his life Ufe has been spent pent In Call Cali fornia Nevada Colorado Montana New Mexico and other mining There Thero I Is hardly a mining camp in the countrY I where he Is bJ not Known and respected as aswell I well as liked He Be has considerable tn lii In Mexico and some ot of tle far western states Nr Grant called at Democratic national headquarters yesterday When Then asked askea how lon long he had been a a D Democrat m he smiled and saId I 1 have been boen a Demo Democrat I erat crat over since I was ol old enough to vote ote More than that he be added the time my lay father voted he be voted for tor a Demo Democrat Democrat I crat Asked if he had any to say who the Demo Democrat was lie hI replied oolf It as Buchanan In a magazine erti arti article cle written by Mr the tho said that his first vote Ole had been cast for Buchanan While Mr Grant has net taken an active part In he is too good a citizen to shirk any opportunity that may maybe be or of advantage to the e of his choice There Thero Is no In his opinion I more interested ip In the w ware iare of oC the tho country than its men ot of bu business ot of whom he Is proud to be one Ito He was urged to give to ala views and did so no ooIn In the tho nomination of Judge ludge Alton B 3 Parker said Mr Grant th the Demo erotic party parly has found n a candidate personalIty and life are strikinglY I It should be aUf to all true Am Vp of ratty to I the 08 n the plain ulain AmerIcan and the judge jude has b Cp placed In nomination fur ur the I highest dude in the hilt gift of the AmerIcan I people by one or of the great p par parties r ties The demand for higher I Ideals In political life lite and for political concepts j and policies in keeping with the J spirIt of the age is Cast taking root among thoughtful anti ant pat citizens i ibo bo be they wage or millionaires and the champions of the Republican stand oot bp c with J the theory wo wola la moves s to vor vel onward with the process s of the 1 suns I rho rhe suca s of th Democratic party part partin in would me mean n that the co gov v I should be a republic in fact as aswell aswell well as jn name Thia is 15 as the pr nt tendencies are e decidedly to tOward 1 ward c centralization and therefore In the tho i direction of imperialism The Tue corruption which permeates many br of the present administration is isto I to he be condemned ThIs however t Is the he natural of oC long Jong continued power by one party part grown ro n arrogant and I confident of Its but the central centralIzation pro OL r the Republican I I is the Greatest menace menaco trat now confront the pf people All elements of oC tile the shoud unite In the thc effort to elect toe minded and upright ht bf of the tho party ord the surest to future harmony and vie ic |