Show MILL DO GOD OD WORK Columbus Con Plant Is Running Smoothly Already Secreta Secretary A E B Snow of the Colum bu bus Consolidated with Vice PresIdent C K IC McCornick returned from an in ot of the new milling plant Wednesday nIght Mr Snow brought down with him bin s sacks or of the concentrates now being made In the jIgs and on the tables and they are good to look at The ore being treated carries values alues of 12 to 15 per pel ton and about four tons are being run into ore orp A little later it is expected that will be added to the plant when a most perfect sayIng saving wil be effected Mr Snow says there J s not a better arranged mill In the state and that it would be impossible for it to run smoother than it is already doing The power Js Is all and more than Is needed and the system of lighting makes every corner of the plant even in the night time as bright as day |