Show TRANSFER STORY S r ORY I fLAIL Y DENIED Local 0 S L Officials Say Au Authority local f of Division Stays Here BRAND REPORT AS DREAM SALT SAL LAKE IS CENTER OF THREE STATE TERRITORY I I II I Rumor os oa the c coast st bas aJI It that t t the shops ud and road read Nt and Sparks will again ce under thit tha ge gement ment ot of t the e Southern Souther Pacific Local of o of oC the Or Oregon Short Lin to a man ridicule the story It as unreasonable and a pl pipe VI Vice Pre President klent and General Manager W V Ii H Bancroft smiled e when hen asked about the rumored chance and said Nothing to it Superintend nt E Buckingham and Genera ameral Passenger gr ger Agent D E Burley Burle said aid they have h heard reports ot of this kind but declared them ab absolutely without foundation Yr Mr Bancroft and Mr Buckingham h m t 1 Nevada while on their trip to and several ot of the Nevada pa pap pr p said this thio t tip lp wag wat hl highly bl significant nl ri this trip ie ia built the pipe The trip tripas as q declared to have bae been made to clone alt aH C details attendant upon the transfer ff f auth authority over oer the division on mentioned sir Bancroft and Mr Buck ham deny thIs and rt that their t p to San SanF F co was made to see Me the ruined s it We were over the line through Ne Eyad ada and California and and thought the run up to San w we T w worth rth the making ns raid on one oUt cal 31 yesterday For the pat past two years ean the Harriman 1 fines between Sparks and Green Gr n River W have hae been n managed from the Or Orgon gon Short Line general officer In Salt Lake At u the same me time the yards ards in n were called the Or Oregon on Short LUte Line while the same ame term applied to all tl H s F buildings there Salt Lake war as asade ade the center of movement or as one oae railroad d man has haa said the hub of the Harriman wheel 1 1 in this territory Local Management Efficient the past two yearn ears the local off t have made more than good and at af attl afu u tl s beta passenger ger and freight have J handled with ease and telling re rel reis is l Salt Lake ill is the natural point f for t of authority over oer the i f 4 in n tIM the Wyoming s n and there is ia no belief held in the liners of any transfer of auth authority rity to is the an end nd The west Is growing J and needs much material to aid in his advance The railroads are bus busy k pin pace with t the demands made If them for tor equipment Railroad con conSt St Tr r r i ion to town n building and growth and i the these e demands Thou i 10 i In of cars 18 leave n eastern points every in t tit lIt four hours With supplies for the There TheN is difference in the ft fig Il If cars ni sent ent cant and cars 1 With the exception of wool live livek k and some ome agricultural products n rich go to e tern markets market the prod prodS S 4 of the west are used IJ in the west R B t machinery ry and equipment is 15 needed and must be secured from th the thea a tern manufacturing towns Salt Lake Lakes s 1 the b center or of distribution for th the west T t lake is ie the point for tor the ion of jurisdiction over oer the Linea of oC u ut this territory t rr tory This Is the explanation ad adit aneed it by Oregon Short Line officials w h hn ridicule the transfer rumor ViII Vill Remain Here Herc I r pha phase is also brought to t O light their weeping sweeping denial ot of tb the story r f i Is is San cos pit plight ht Th The r rail Jl rids ids ha have their hands h tuft full In attending the coastlines business e The South rl 1 Pacific officials th there re have plenty to tor r f m in atte attending to business s centered In Inan an Franci Francisco co Lines running through fm f gym Portland to points point In the far south BOuth i mand el their To relieve i it t San Francisco offices or of work ork wu was wun mP n ot of the chief hlf reasons for the change made two years ago when the local 0 of ers w were e placed in charge of the bus buss busi i s of the territory An imn Im TN n t m nse e traffic Is passing continually be ben n eon PH Green River Ii ro pro and Sparks Spark i yo t tb through h Ogden oden The Oregon Short ins In say y there would Aoud be no rM rea rean n 1 to put this traffic in 10 charge of of away beYond the division handling handline |