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Show CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Silver 53Ad at London, Friday. Home, the American spiritualist in Paris, is not dead. All the news from tbe Turkish frontier is warlike. Northwestern Bosnia is in full rebellion re-bellion against the Turks. It is said that the Nicaragua ship canal will be commenced within a year. Davidson's mills at Halifax have been swept away by a freshet: loss $30,000. Daniel Low, father of C. Adolphe Low, died in New York on Thursday, aged 83. Five thousand colliers have struck in North Derbyshire, England. Reduction Re-duction of waces. The English house of commons hat agreed toincrease the income lax one nennv on the nnnnrl By an explosion in an Indianapolis varnish factory, a woman was burned very seriously and two men badly. Tho Czar advipes the Herzegovi-nian Herzegovi-nian insurgents to accept Turkey's promised reforms hnd mako peace. A Russinn paper says that the Austrian project of Turkish reforms has collapsed. Nobody save the Turks desires the voluntary submission of the Sclaves. The Pacific Mail steamer Panama has been attached at San Francisco at the instance of the Panama railroad rail-road company. Captain Cahn of the steamer Fran-conia, Fran-conia, which ran into the steamer Clyde, has been found guilty of manslaughter man-slaughter at Loudon. Tho Russian press claims that the good offices of that government removed re-moved the Spanish-American dilfical'i ties iu regard to Cuba, Tbe construction placed upon the Canadian-United Statee treaty, by tho United States is to be investigated iu the English house of commons. The extradition of the Americans, Winslow, Gray and Brent, now held in London, is still a subject of negotiation negoti-ation between the two governments. Spain exacts arrears of war taxes from foreign residents except French and Belgian. England advised ad-vised her subjects to pay the tax under protest. It is thought that the French universal uni-versal exhibition ol 1S7S will be the Champ de Mars. A private company will carry out the project, which will be guaranteed by the state. The citizens of Chicago will hold a mass meeting iu the Exposilion build ing next rriuay mgui to nominate a1 candidate for miyor in place of Col- vin, who claims to hold over until 1877. The sergeant-at-arms of the house of lepresentatives has instructed the wanlen of the. United States jail to furnish meals to Hallet Kilbjurne, recusant witness, at a cost not exceeding ex-ceeding $1 per day. The declaration of martial law in Mexico has checked tbe revolution iu many of the states. The number of persons in arms against the count rv is only 10,000. The isthmus of Te'-huantepec Te'-huantepec is in the hands of revolutionists. revolu-tionists. Work on the Central railroad rail-road has been stopped. Now it is B. T. Stevens who holds the otlice of dispatch uiitjut in Loudon Lou-don at a salary of $2,000 in gold, and I fleeces Americans out ot $10,000 as commissions for purchasers. The house have slipped an'item in an appropriation ap-propriation bill which will dispense with the services of this gentleman. Evidence given before tho select committee in the case of Representative Representa-tive Purman of Florida, 6hows the payment to him of i-X0 for an oflice by Kuys. Purnam told one Fowler tiat ma election cost him $6,000, and that he was going to have some of bis money back belore be went to Washington. French, Bergeaut-al-arms of the eenato. served the process upon ex-Secretary ex-Secretary Belknap in the impeachment impeach-ment trial. That gentleman is said to havo appeared very cheerful and pleasant, and expressed himself confidently con-fidently in regard to his acquittal of the charges against him, saying that but one side had yet been heard. Pinchback, in the Nashville colored convention, said that the colored people peo-ple wero beginning to think lor themselves them-selves and would never again vote 1 the republican ticket in a solid col emn. Ho deprecated color lines in politics. Senator Smith advised the colored voters to mako terms with their southern white friends and leavo the republican party. His speech was not received with great applauso. |