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Show SALT LAKE THEATRE W T II. I . HI...... TUESDAY Evening, MAY 14tli IHt Mil Uh I Ht cLASUN! UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS OF IRI CIE'S EnRHUCOMBIIlTIOl To-night (Tuesday) for tbo LAST TIME, tho Groat axtr&vaunoza of EVANGELINE! TO-MOKKOW NXULIT, The Corsair, WEDBKbUAY AFTKRN00N, CR AND FAMILY MATINEE AT TWO O'CLOCK. PRTOES UaualTheatre Rates. Box Office now open. nil "W" " . a -w w m Ch i Ison S .2 Cook ICaugc Sprinkling Wngou llox. G.000 lb. Iron Axle Wagon, Cheap, One Horse Dray. 1 lony. Churcoal, I,O0O bushels. lloii.se and I. una, ll(h Ward, lor lease or rent. KTcw American Nau ing Machines. Rransoui Knitters. 1,000,000 Fine and Coarse Salt. For Rent, at nominal price, Jjiiue Kiln and Quarry, next south ol Italh House Grounds. Manufacturer of Lpii Bluing and lot combine!. Come and Investigate. John w. sxell; n2 Idaho Store. r D l fiMTDrnT V. I . LMillOLil I , Manufac ur-r and Dealer in i Mm i FIRMTlltE HJLAI1S, ETC., Prices lo Suit the Times. FIFTH STReTt7OCDEN eildoorwcetofJimctionOfflce. j Z. C. M. I. ADVERTISEMENT. r: T.VX NO MORE Our WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING DEi'AKTJyii-l J. Has now a Complete Stock of the LATEST STYLES of MEN'S COTTOiMADE SUITS. MEN'S SATINET! SUITS, MEhJ'S TWEED SUITS, MEN'S CASSIMERE SUITS, MEN'S FRENCH WORSTED COATS AND VESTS Youths', Bovs' and Children's Suits a Specialty. ; Men's Marseilles Vests, 1 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Alpaca and Linen Coats and Ulsters, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Felt and Straw Hats in great Variety, All the Latest Novelties in Gents' Furnishing Good?. 'Zm9 Ob SVii Si H. S. ELCREDGE. Superintendent, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! MY Afffint having. just returned from an eitenrlci l)iisiQe8 trip East, and having made arrarigprnenU with one of the oldest aiid moat reliable bouses in the . ..vo, i ..ii. .,uw picnicu iu uuy m (juamuiQs, irom one pounci niiu upwards, this Spring's Clip of Kor which X will pay the Highest Market Price in ' i- Am al" rhippimlf ro1 on Commission, and would respectfully ask the oil broverpqT Territory, and all olhers interest-d, to give me a call before discing e! their Wool, as I am prepared with unenualed facilities lo do aa well by lb cm aa any House in the CITY. WOOL BACKS and TWINE In tie Fleecea furnished on application also the best quality of SHEBP SHEAR3 kept constantly on hand and lor sale. H. B. CLAWSON, m23 Cor. Main and South Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. 88 1 Km Ml New Prices! J8 AT 88 Main Street, Ve have opened thia Season AN ENTIRE NEW STOHTT OF . FIXE, MEDIUM AND CHEAP AND Furnishing Goods, Which we are oficriog at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Call and Inspect our Stock, and you will be sure to purchase at The OLD-ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE OF SIEGEL BRO'S, 8S Main Street, COUNTRY MERCHANTS 00) 1 uixhiisuin- olsovlKM-o. QO FOE Furniture, BniMinglUoofrngPaf REFRIGEi, CUPBOARDS, DK0, INVALID CHUBS, BENT WOOD SCU00UM3, FARLOfi BRACKETS, PARLOR SUITS, WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW CORNICES, LACE CURTA;NS, FEATHERS BABY G'AKKIAGES, Hair and Wire Alatlresses, VPKQLSTEHY GOOffi Go to. 75, 77 & 79 Fire South Street, SAlTLAKEClinttliB JOUN SLOAN CO., Prop'!. " ., ? ' it a jrTn 1 m o 6 if J r J O g-.,J"--V 9 And T:y kird ol Tubolit tbo shortut nouco and & ids n Old Boilers bousbt md sold, A'Jdroaa by 'lolograph or UijL JOHN SLOAN t CO. STALLION BLACX PMCE. Illack Stallion, f ixtcpn hJ' foalpri in lMtf at .Sprinir IJiU I'-Vi by "Dicta1 or." "Dictator" by KV--' .. "Haniljlotoiiiftn,'- uVn, the -"Dtsxlr by "Amorictn Str, i . 1 dam Un. 'lam of ".-Imrk," tiajn ' Loonier," fchostnui, ro. by""' by "Youni Mi-.-smiT "by''"'--:', Mnfa?ni(er.'' Is of as fine nd f'-.-.a: of trotter - tit tfu-re is now in tie L-titates. L-titates. Kind and jfMle. Also tha STALLION CROMWELL! Thro., yenn M: hll Iim'.t !' Prim-L'." not 1)V "Diclnl'T,1' 11 1 to "lloxtur," brown. I--)e'i iu',' Kyf.fk' "1l.m'.'.-.v,,n,".J..i7 dam ol "Dext.T," iy "ArQ. n.-' - , ffd; the dun of -'rirotrk," j KcU'lium." bsy. B"t by n ":', ":., Kniilijb blood horw, J"' I- !," thwlmit, Kol '." Moiffiigot?' by imporl..! "M- Kor further particulars ty?')' 1 ' "' S' Hillhouie. PRICE. " '25- LESLIE'S MOM'HLJES, W bound, make . nl W Tho Herald Bindery iocs mw very stylo and l ivoaMl |