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Show THE ARMY BILL. A. Redaction of I lie Army and ol tliu Agipropriatlou. A lteorjrnnlirttlon Contemplated. Contem-plated. Washington, 14. The total amount recommended in tbe bill reported in the bouBe from tbe committee oo ap propriationB for tbe support of tbe army (or tbe fiscal year ending June 30th, 1879, and for otber purposes is $20,929,671, of wbicb tbe amount recommended for pay and allowance ofoibcera who may retire under ite provisions, is $2,897,000; total regular Bum, $24,032,671; total amount ap propriated by tbe last law, $26,712,-500; $26,712,-500; total eum of estimates, $31,292,-232; $31,292,-232; decrease from tbe estimates, 7,159,561.55, Tbe estimates in tbe bill are for 20,000 enlisted men. Tbe cavalry regiments are reduced to six, and tba number sf inlantry regiments to fifteen, and tbese are to be efiected by transfers and consolidations. Tbe president is authorized in bis discretion, discre-tion, honorably to discharge from the army officers, who mayapply therefor on or before tbe 1st of January next, witb certain allowances of pay Officers unfit for aervice are to be mustered out on the reports of commanding com-manding officers of the several military mili-tary geographical divisions and departments, de-partments, and tbe heads of various stall departments, and all vacancies now existing or that may occur by reason oi transfers or consolidation, shall be filled in due proportion by supernumerary officers having reference refer-ence to rank, seniority and fitness. Women are prohibited hereafter from accompanying troops as laundresses. The bill regulates the officers pay and provides for a board to report to tbe president upon tbe organization, practical working and efficiency of corps of engineers, ordinance, medical, med-ical, quartermasters, subsistence and pay departments, signal and artillery service, bureau of military justice, adjutant general department and inspector general'a department, and to make such suggestions as in the judgment of &aid board, will increase the usefulness or reduce the cost of maintenance of the army, and of the several departments of service above specified, when the report so made shall be submitted to congress by the president, and until otherwise ordered by law no new appointments nor promotions pro-motions Bball be made in any of said deparimenta of military service, except ex-cept to fill vacancies occuring in tbe grades provided for in thin act. |