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Show JVow York's World's Fair. New York, 17. The executive committee on the world's fair met tonight to-night at Judge Hilton's residence and resolved not to fix the date of holding tbe fair until tbeeite had been selected; that the exhibition should be located on Manhattan Island, and recommended that the site be between and taking in part of Kivereide and Morningside Parka. They declared against the proposition for a prelimi nary convention of representatives of various statep, or even adjoining cities. The draft of a bill of congress was unanimously adopted providing for Ihe holding ol an international exhibition ol artd, manufactures and products of the soil and mine, in tbe city of New York in th& year l.SOi . It provides pro-vides for a commission of one delegate from each slate and territory lo be known ai an international commiesion to prepare and superintend tbe execution execu-tion of the plan lor holding the exhibition. exhi-bition. No compensation iB to be paid from the United 8tates treasury to these commisiioners, nor ia tbe United States to be liable for any expenses attending the exhibition. This commision is lo fix tbe date. Ihe bill ftUo provides for a board of finance, who shall have power to open a book for subscription of capital stock net excepding $10,000,000, and further provides lor the organization of boards similar to those of the centennial exhibition. |